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In Memoriam: Deb Cohen (1955-2020)
Latin American Theatre Review Pub Date : 2020-12-24 , DOI: 10.1353/ltr.2020.0022
Elaine M. Miller

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • In MemoriamDeb Cohen (1955-2020)
  • Elaine M. Miller

Deb Cohen, Professor Emerita of Spanish at Slippery Rock University in Pennsylvania, passed away suddenly on March 13, 2020. After working in the travel industry, Deb earned her PhD in Spanish from the University of Kansas, where she wrote a dissertation about the plays of Mexican dramatist Rodolfo Usigli under the direction of George Woodyard and served as Latin American Theatre Review's Editorial Assistant. Those who knew Deb well remember her as an insightful scholar of Mexican and Central American theatre, an effective teacher, an accomplished play translator, and a talented lighting designer and set painter for theatrical productions.

Deb's earliest contributions to Latin American theatre studies include articles in Latin American Theatre Review on the plays of Usigli and Luisa Josefina Hernández. Travel to Honduras sparked her interest in that country's popular theatre during the 1980s, leading her to co-author two articles with Kenton V. Stone, one on Teatro de la Basura and the second on Jack Warner and Teatro La Fragua. When accompanying students studying abroad in Costa Rica, she researched that country's theatre and became known for her pioneering work on its New Wave dramatists, who began writing plays in the 1980s. Her articles offer feminist interpretations of plays by Claudia Barrionuevo, Ana Istarú, and Melvin Méndez, analyze the critique of political corruption in plays by Barrionuevo, Walter Fernández, and Ailyn Morera, and examine the historical theatre of Jorge Arroyo, Leda Cavallini, Lupe Pérez Rey, and Miguel Rojas. Deb's final scholarly project was Diálogos dramatúrgicos Costa Rica-México, an anthology of six plays co-edited with Elaine Miller and published by Editorial Memoria en Movimiento.

Deb's collaborative nature was evident not only in her publications but also during conferences, for which she regularly organized panels. She would not hesitate to state her honest opinion when advising colleagues in the early stages of their careers or evaluating manuscripts for the Latin American Theatre Review. Students benefited as well from her excellent mentoring skills, [End Page 149] with many of them posting on social media after her passing about how "Dr. Deb" had helped them to learn the basics of the Spanish language. She also enriched their extracurricular life by hosting an international music hour on the campus radio station and serving as faculty advisor for the LGBTQ club.

Deb also made a significant impact on the performing arts at Slippery Rock University, whose University Theatre staged in 2009 her English translation of Melvin Méndez's Un viejo con alas (The Old Man's Wings). Her passion for theatre extended to the production side when she staged with students her English translations of the plays Tu voz (Only You) by Felipe Galván and Sobre chapulines y otras langostas (Chapulines and Other Critters) by Walter Fernández. After retiring from teaching in 2016, she stayed busy studying technical theatre and designing sets and lighting for many University Theatre productions. Not long ago, she produced at Slippery Rock her own translation of Felipe Galván's play Tu voz. Present for the staging, Galván comments, "La búsqueda era su camino, la perfección su meta, el hallazgo estético su obsesión. Debora Cohen, a quien todos sus amigos llamábamos Deb, fue vida que enseñó a hacer vida en la vida, en el estudio y en la escena."

Although we will miss Deb tremendously, we will always remember her creativity, clever sense of humor, and zest for life. Since Deb's family has a tradition of commemorating the date of a departed loved one's birth or passing with a toast of one's favorite beverage, I believe that Deb would appreciate our raising a glass in her honor: ¡Un brindis por nuestra querida amiga y colega que nos sonríe desde las estrellas! [End Page 150]

Elaine M. Miller Christopher Newport University Copyright © 2020 The Center of Latin American Studies ...


纪念影片:黛布·科恩(Deb Cohen)(1955-2020)


  • 在纪念Deb Cohen(1955-2020)中
  • 伊莱恩·米勒

Deb Cohen,宾夕法尼亚州滑石大学的西班牙裔Emerita教授,于2020年3月13日突然辞世。在旅游行业工作后,Deb在堪萨斯大学获得了西班牙语博士学位,在那里她撰写了有关戏剧的论文。乔治·伍德亚德(George Woodyard)指导下的墨西哥剧作家鲁道夫·乌西格里(Rodolfo Usigli),并担任《拉丁美洲剧院评论编辑助理。熟识Deb的人都记得她是墨西哥和中美洲剧院的有才华的学者,有效的老师,出色的戏剧翻译,才华横溢的灯光设计师和舞台制作画家。

Deb对拉丁美洲戏剧研究的最早贡献包括《拉丁美洲戏剧评论》中的文章在乌西格里(Usigli)和路易莎(Loisa JosefinaHernández)的戏剧中。前往洪都拉斯旅行激发了她在1980年代对该国受欢迎的剧院的兴趣,使她与肯顿·斯通(Kenton V. Stone)共同撰写了两篇文章,其中一篇发表在《 Basura剧院》上,另一篇发表在杰克·华纳和特拉弗拉瓜剧院上。在陪伴学生到哥斯达黎加留学的过程中,她研究了该国的剧院,并以其新浪潮剧作家的开创性工作而闻名,后者于1980年代开始创作戏剧。她的文章提供了克劳迪娅·巴里奥涅沃(Claudia Barrionuevo),安娜·伊斯塔鲁(AnaIstarú)和梅尔文·门德斯(MelvinMéndez)戏剧的女权主义解释,分析了巴里奥涅沃,沃尔特·费尔南德斯(WalterFernández)和艾琳·莫拉(Ailyn Morera)的戏剧对政治腐败的批评,并考察了乔治·阿罗约(Jorge Arroyo),莱达·卡瓦利尼(Leda Cavallini)和卢佩·佩雷斯(LupePérez)的历史剧场雷伊(Rey)和米格尔·罗哈斯(Miguel Rojas)。Deb的最后一个学术项目是《哥斯达黎加墨西哥戏剧》(DiálogosDramatúrgicosCosta Rica-Mexixico),与伊莱恩·米勒(Elaine Miller)共同编辑,由《编辑备忘录》(Momormiento)出版的六部戏剧选集。

Deb的协作性不仅在她的出版物中而且在她定期组织小组讨论会的会议期间都很明显。在职业生涯的早期阶段为同事提供建议或评估《拉丁美洲剧院评论》的手稿时,她会毫不犹豫地表述自己的诚实观点。学生还从她出色的指导技能中受益[End Page 149],在她通过“ Deb博士”如何帮助他们学习西班牙语的基础后,许多人在社交媒体上发布了文章。她还通过在校园广播电台主持国际音乐小时并担任LGBTQ俱乐部的教职顾问来丰富他们的课外生活。

黛布(Deb)还对滑石大学(Slippery Rock University)的表演艺术产生了重大影响,该大学的大学剧院于2009年上演了她的梅尔文·门德斯(MelvinMéndez)的电影Un viejo con alas》《老人的翅膀》)的英文译本。当她与学生一起上演费利佩·加尔万(FelipeGalván)和Sobre chapulines y otras langostasChapulines and Other Critters)的戏剧Tu vozOnly You)的英语翻译时,她对戏剧的热情扩展到了制作方面。),作者是WalterFernández。在2016年退休后,她一直忙于学习技术剧院,并为许多大学剧院的作品设计布景和照明。不久前,她在Slippery Rock制作了自己的FelipeGalván的戏剧Tu voz的译文。加尔万(Galván)出席了此次演出,他评论说:“ Labúsquedaage su camino,laperfecciónsu meta,el hallazgoestéticosuobsesión。 estudio y en la escena。”

尽管我们会非常想念Deb,但我们将永远记住她的创造力,聪明的幽默感和对生活的热情。由于Deb的家人有纪念死者亲人的生日或用自己喜欢的饮料敬酒的日期的传统,我相信Deb会很感激我们以她的名义举杯的:“ Un brindis por nuestra querida amiga y colega que Nossonríedesde las estrellas![完第150页]

Elaine M.Miller Christopher Newport University版权所有©2020拉美研究中心...
