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Early Modern Iberia, Indexed: Hernando Colón's Cosmography
Journal of the History of Ideas Pub Date : 2021-02-10 , DOI: 10.1353/jhi.2021.0000
Seth Kimmel

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Early Modern Iberia, Indexed:Hernando Colón's Cosmography
  • Seth Kimmel

The aspiration to comprehensiveness that characterized early modern cosmography was inseparable from the humanist fantasy of a universal library. This was true not least because in seeking to fulfill their field's claim to knowledge about the cosmos as a whole, cosmographers of the period drew on an array of astronomical, mathematical, meteorological, ethnographic, zoological, botanical, mineralogical, antiquarian, and theological texts, in addition to maps and charts. Even the cartographic fieldwork that rulers like Spain's Charles V and Philip II commissioned to inventory their growing territorial possessions and reestablish epistemological consensus about the globe's circumference in the age of transatlantic exploration relied heavily on methods of information management honed in the library.1 This mutual definition of bibliographic and cosmographic practice is uniquely visible in Spain not simply because its empire expanded first and widest in this period, but also because its expansion coincided with the establishment [End Page 1] of the Escorial, a royal library that Philip II founded from scratch in San Lorenzo, near Madrid, in the 1560s, and whose comprehensiveness he hoped would rival the Vatican's collection in Rome, if not also the ancient Library of Alexandria.2

Yet, many of the cosmographic endeavors housed in the Escorial and managed by its first stewards trace their roots to another, lesser-known institution: the private library of the Seville-based collector and cosmographer Ferdinand Columbus, the illegitimate second son of Christopher Columbus. Hernando Colón, as he is known in Spanish, participated in his father's fourth transatlantic voyage and penned his first biography, worked as an ad hoc cosmographic expert for Charles V, maintained an immense botanical garden at his estate just outside the walls of Seville, and collected throughout Europe around fifteen thousand books and prints. As is especially visible in documents concerned with plans for the upkeep of his library after his death in 1539, Colón painted his work of book acquisition and cataloguing as a continuation of his father's transatlantic exploration: the father collected territories while the son collected codices. This correspondence is too neat, however. Colón's representation of his library as a metaphorical conquest of the "new world" of printed books obscured the extent to which his methods for building and organizing his library informed his practice of cosmography, rather than the other way around. Drawing on Colón's library indexes and other archives, such as manuscript notes for a peninsular land survey and documents penned by his last librarian and his estate's executor, this article reconstructs Colón's particularly bibliographic approach to cosmography.3 After documenting how Colón's Seville colleagues brought his cosmographic methods into the more widely studied scholarly community associated with the Habsburg court in and around Madrid, the article concludes with a reassessment of Colón's strategic depiction of the relationship between his own work and that of his father. [End Page 2]


Among the archival sources that detail how Hernando Colón's library functioned is a manuscript known as Memoria de las obras y libros de don Hernando Colón.4 Compiled by Juan Pérez, Colón's last librarian, this document describes the thirteen repertorios, or indexes, that Colón maintained as he expanded his collection over the first four decades of the sixteenth century. Although only about one-third of Colón's books and manuscripts remain together as a discrete library collection, known as the Biblioteca Colombina and housed in the Cathedral of Seville since the middle of the sixteenth century, many of the repertorios have survived. This bibliographic corpus can be divided into three groups. The first group is a series of registros, which enumerate books in the order that Colón and his far-flung network of buyers either bought or first inventoried them. Included in this set of indexes is the Memorial de los libros naufragados, or "Memorandum of shipwrecked books," an inventory of a shipment of approximately 1,700 books lost on the sea voyage to Seville from Venice, where in 1521 Colón had gathered almost a year's worth of...




  • 早期的现代伊比利亚(Iberia),编入索引:埃尔南多·科隆(HernandoColón)的宇宙论
  • 塞思·金梅尔(Seth Kimmel)

早期现代宇宙论的特点是对全面性的渴望与通用图书馆的人文主义幻想密不可分。这确实是正确的,因为在努力实现其领域对整个宇宙知识的主张时,该时期的宇宙学家利用了一系列天文,数学,气象,人种学,动物学,植物学,矿物学,古人类和神学著作,以及地图和图表。甚至西班牙统治者查尔斯五世和菲利普二世等统治者进行的制图田野调查,都在盘点其日益增长的领土财产,并就跨大西洋探索时代的全球范围重新建立认识论共识,这在很大程度上依赖于图书馆中磨练的信息管理方法。1个书目和宇宙学实践的这种共同定义在西班牙是唯一可见的,不仅因为它的帝国在这一时期首先扩大了最广泛的一面,而且还因为它的扩张与腓力二世建立的皇家图书馆埃斯科里亚尔[End Page 1]吻合。于1560年代在马德里附近的圣洛伦佐(San Lorenzo)从零开始建立,他希望其全面性能够与罗马的梵蒂冈收藏相媲美,即使不是亚历山大图书馆也是如此。2个

然而,许多由埃斯科里亚尔(Escorial)托管并由埃斯科里亚尔(Escorial)负责管理的宇宙学努力,其根源可追溯到另一​​个鲜为人知的机构:塞维利亚收藏家和宇宙学家费迪南德·哥伦布(Ferdinand Columbus)的私人图书馆,克里斯托弗·哥伦布(Christopher Columbus)的私生子。埃尔南多·科隆(HernandoColón)以西班牙语闻名,参加了父亲的第四次跨大西洋航行,并撰写了他的第一本传记,曾担任查理五世的临时宇宙学专家,在塞维利亚城墙外的庄园内维护了一个巨大的植物园,并且在整个欧洲收集了约一万五千本书和印刷品。从1539年去世后有关其图书馆维护计划的文件中可以特别看出,科隆将他的图书购买和编目工作绘画成他父亲的继任书。s跨大西洋探险:父亲收集领土,儿子收集抄本。但是,这种对应关系太整齐了。科隆将他的图书馆表示为对印刷书籍的“新世界”的隐喻征服,这掩盖了他建立和组织图书馆的方法在多大程度上促进了他的宇宙学实践,而不是反过来。本文利用科隆的图书馆索引和其他档案资料,例如用于半岛土地勘测的手稿以及他的上任馆长及其遗产执行者所写的文件,重构了科隆的宇宙学特别书目方法。对图书馆的表示是对印刷书籍“新世界”的隐喻征服,这掩盖了他建立和组织图书馆的方法在多大程度上促进了他的宇宙学实践,而不是反过来。本文利用科隆的图书馆索引和其他档案资料,例如用于半岛土地勘测的手稿以及他的上任馆长及其遗产执行者所写的文件,重构了科隆的宇宙学特别书目方法。对图书馆的表示是对印刷书籍“新世界”的隐喻征服,这掩盖了他建立和组织图书馆的方法在多大程度上促进了他的宇宙学实践,而不是反过来。本文利用科隆的图书馆索引和其他档案资料,例如用于半岛土地勘测的手稿以及他的上任馆长及其遗产执行者所写的文件,重构了科隆的宇宙学特别书目方法。3在记录了科隆的塞维利亚同事如何将他的宇宙学方法带入与马德里及其周边地区哈布斯堡宫廷相关的,受到更广泛研究的学术界之后,文章最后对科隆对他自己的作品与父亲作品之间关系的战略描述进行了重新评估。 。[结束页2]


在详细记录HernandoColón图书馆运作方式的档案资料中,有一份手稿被称为Memoria de las obras y libros de don HernandoColón4该文件由科隆的最后一位图书管理员胡安·佩雷斯(JuanPérez)编写,描述了科隆在十六世纪前四十年扩大收藏范围时所保留的13个曲目。自从十六世纪中叶以来,尽管科隆只有大约三分之一的书籍和手稿作为离散的图书馆藏书(称为Biblioteca Colombina)并存在一起,并被安置在塞维利亚大教堂内,但许多曲目仍然保存下来。该书目语料库可分为三类。第一组是一系列registros,它按Colón及其广泛的买家网络购买或首次清点书籍的顺序对书籍进行枚举。包括在这组指标是纪念德洛斯libros naufragados,或“的失事船只书备忘录”的约1700本书从威尼斯,失去了对海上航行到塞维利亚凡在1521科隆已经几乎聚集了一年的货件的库存值得...
