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Journal of Modern Greek Studies Pub Date : 2020-10-07 , DOI: 10.1353/mgs.2020.0038

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  • Contributors

Maria Akritidou is a detached research associate at the Center for the Greek Language and a postdoctoral teaching fellow at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (2019–2020). Her research interests include Modern Greek literature (with a focus on interactions between historiographical discourses and fiction) and digital humanities (with a focus on digital textual editing and digital literary history). Her PhD thesis, «Όψεις του παρελθόντος του νέου ελληνισμού στο σύγχρονο νεοελληνικό μυθιστόρημα: Αφηγηματική τροπικότητα και ιστορική ποιητική» (Aspects of the past of modern Hellenism in contemporary Greek fiction: Narrative modality and historical poetics), was recently published as a monograph by Edition Romiosini/CEMOG (Berlin, 2019).

Eirini Avramopoulou is an assistant professor of social anthropology at Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Athens, Greece. Her research interests include the anthropology of human rights, social movements, and activism; feminist and psychoanalytic approaches to subjectivity, biopolitics, and affect; and displacement, refugee-ness, and trauma. She is the author of Porno-graphics and Porno-tactics: Desire, Affect and Representation in Pornography (co-edited with Irene Peano; Punctum Books, 2016) and Το Συν-αίσθημα στο πολιτικό: Υποκειμενικότητες, εξουσίες και ανισότητες στο σύγχρονο κόσμο (Affect in the political: Subjectivities, power, and inequalities in the modern world; Athens: Nisos, 2018).

Maria Boletsi is Endowed Professor of Modern Greek Studies at the University of Amsterdam (Marilena Laskaridis chair) and assistant professor in comparative literature at Leiden University. She is the author of Barbarism and Its Discontents (Stanford, 2013) and co-author of Barbarian: Explorations of a Western Concept in Theory, Literature and the Arts (Metzler, 2018). Her latest co-edited volume is Languages of Resistance, Transformation, and Futurity in Mediterranean Crisis-Scapes (Palgrave, 2020). Her recent work focuses on the middle voice in artistic responses to the Greek crisis and on grammars of critique in the era of post-truth politics. She is also writing a book on spectrality in C. P. Cavafy's work.

Heath Cabot is an associate professor of anthropology at the University of Pittsburgh. She is the author of On the Doorstep of Europe: Asylum and Citizenship in Greece (Penn Press, 2014) and she currently conducts research on citizenship, rights, solidarity, and health in contemporary Greece.

Ipek A. Çelik Rappas is an associate professor of media and visual arts at Koç University, Istanbul. Her book In Permanent Crisis: Ethnicity in Contemporary European Media and Cinema was published by the University of Michigan Press in 2015. Her research interests include the representation of migrants and minorities in European cinema and the relationships among identity, space, and media. She has published articles in Cinema Journal, Continuum, Television and New Media, and Studies in European Cinema. Her current book project explores the role of screen industries in the urban renewal of post-industrial European sites.

Anthony Hirst obtained a PhD in Modern Greek literature at King's College London in 1999 after a long and varied non-academic career. There followed a year at Princeton and ten years at Queen's University Belfast. He is the author of God and the Poetic Ego (a study of Palamas, Sikelianos, and Elytis), and principal co-editor of Alexandria Real and Imagined and The Ionian Islands: Aspects of their History and Culture. Now "retired," he remains the course director of the International Byzantine Greek Summer School at Trinity College Dublin and works as an editor and publisher of Greek and English literature (Colenso Books).

Harry Karahalios is a lecturing fellow in Spanish in the Department of Romance Studies and Literatures at Duke University. He graduated from the University of Notre Dame with a PhD in literature, focusing on contemporary peninsular Spanish and Greek literature and film. His courses at Duke include language classes in Spanish (introductory to advanced), advanced writing, and cultural studies. He also co-teaches a course on Europe and the European Union. His wider research interests explore Spain's and Greece's transitions from the twentieth to the twenty-first century through the prisms of immigration, cultural diversity, and the economic crisis in southern Europe.

Soo-Young Kim is a lecturer in the Writing Program at Princeton University, where she teaches about equity in education. Her anthropological research focuses on the relationship between the economy and the future.

Athina Markopoulou is a PhD candidate in the Modern Greek Department of the University of Athens, holding a grant from the Onassis Foundation. Her research...




  • 贡献者

Maria Akritidou是希腊语言中心的独立研究助理,也是塞萨洛尼基亚里斯多德大学的博士后教学研究员(2019年至2020年)。她的研究兴趣包括现代希腊文学(侧重于史学话语与小说之间的相互作用)和数字人文学科(侧重于数字文本编辑和数字文学史)。她的博士论文,«Όψειςτουπαρελθόντοςτουνέουελληνισμούστοσύγχρονο νεοελληνικόμυθιστόρημα :Αφηγηματικήτροπικότητακαιιστορικήποιητική»(现代希腊文化在希腊当代小说在过去的几个方面:叙事方式和历史诗),最近出版的由版专着Romiosini / CEMOG(柏林,2019年)。

Eirini Avramopoulou是位于希腊雅典的Panteion社会政治大学的社会人类学助理教授。她的研究兴趣包括人权人类学,社会运动和行动主义。针对主观性,生物政治和情感的女权主义和心理分析方法;以及流离失所,难民身份和创伤。她是作者色情,图形和色情战术:欲望,情感和色情代表(合编与艾琳皮亚诺;泪小书,2016)和ΤοΣυν-αίσθημαστοπολιτικό:Υποκειμενικότητες,εξουσίεςκαιανισότητεςστοσύγχρονοκόσμο(政治影响:现代世界的主观性,权力和不平等;雅典:尼索斯(Nisos),2018年)。

Maria Boletsi is Endowed Professor of Modern Greek Studies at the University of Amsterdam (Marilena Laskaridis chair) and assistant professor in comparative literature at Leiden University. She is the author of Barbarism and Its Discontents (Stanford, 2013) and co-author of Barbarian: Explorations of a Western Concept in Theory, Literature and the Arts (Metzler, 2018). Her latest co-edited volume is Languages of Resistance, Transformation, and Futurity in Mediterranean Crisis-Scapes (Palgrave, 2020). Her recent work focuses on the middle voice in artistic responses to the Greek crisis and on grammars of critique in the era of post-truth politics. She is also writing a book on spectrality in C. P. Cavafy's work.

Heath Cabot is an associate professor of anthropology at the University of Pittsburgh. She is the author of On the Doorstep of Europe: Asylum and Citizenship in Greece (Penn Press, 2014) and she currently conducts research on citizenship, rights, solidarity, and health in contemporary Greece.

Ipek A. Çelik Rappas is an associate professor of media and visual arts at Koç University, Istanbul. Her book In Permanent Crisis: Ethnicity in Contemporary European Media and Cinema was published by the University of Michigan Press in 2015. Her research interests include the representation of migrants and minorities in European cinema and the relationships among identity, space, and media. She has published articles in Cinema Journal, Continuum, Television and New Media, and Studies in European Cinema. Her current book project explores the role of screen industries in the urban renewal of post-industrial European sites.

Anthony Hirst obtained a PhD in Modern Greek literature at King's College London in 1999 after a long and varied non-academic career. There followed a year at Princeton and ten years at Queen's University Belfast. He is the author of God and the Poetic Ego (a study of Palamas, Sikelianos, and Elytis), and principal co-editor of Alexandria Real and Imagined and The Ionian Islands: Aspects of their History and Culture. Now "retired," he remains the course director of the International Byzantine Greek Summer School at Trinity College Dublin and works as an editor and publisher of Greek and English literature (Colenso Books).

Harry Karahalios is a lecturing fellow in Spanish in the Department of Romance Studies and Literatures at Duke University. He graduated from the University of Notre Dame with a PhD in literature, focusing on contemporary peninsular Spanish and Greek literature and film. His courses at Duke include language classes in Spanish (introductory to advanced), advanced writing, and cultural studies. He also co-teaches a course on Europe and the European Union. His wider research interests explore Spain's and Greece's transitions from the twentieth to the twenty-first century through the prisms of immigration, cultural diversity, and the economic crisis in southern Europe.

金秀英(Soo-Young Kim)是普林斯顿大学写作计划的讲师,在那里她教授教育公平性问题。她的人类学研究专注于经济与未来之间的关系。

Athina Markopoulou是雅典大学现代希腊语系的博士学位候选人,获得了奥纳西斯基金会的资助。她的研究...
