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James Joyce Quarterly Pub Date : 2021-03-02 , DOI: 10.1353/jjq.2020.0047

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  • Contributors

RICHARD BARLOW is an associate professor at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. His articles have appeared in the Irish Studies Review and Scottish Literary Review. His first book is titled The Celtic Unconscious: Joyce and Scottish Culture.

ROBERT BERRY is the Philadelphia-based cartoonist behind ULYSSES “seen,” the ambitious project aimed at fully adapting Joyce’s novel into a visual learning platform. His artworks have been shown in Bloomsday celebrations all over the world, where they have helped to unite Joyce devotees both new and learned. He teaches at the University of Pennsylvania and occasionally gets the chance to make pretty pictures.

ROBERT BRAZEAU is Associate Professor of Irish Studies at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada. He has published on modernist and contemporary Irish writers, including recent and forthcoming essays on Anne Enright and Sean O’Casey. He is currently completing a study of the works of J. M. Synge.

KATHERINE EBURY is Senior Lecturer in Modern Literature at the University of Sheffield. She is the author of Modernism and Cosmology and Modern Literature and the Death Penalty, 1890–1950, as well as the co-editor of Joyce’s Non-Fiction Writings with James Fraser.

PAUL FAGAN is a Senior Scientist at the University of Salzburg. A co-founder of the International Flann O’Brien Society, Fagan is general editor of The Parish Review: Journal of Flann O’Brien Studies and co-editor of the Cork University Press collections Flann O’Brien: Contesting Legacies, Flann O’Brien: Problems with Authority, and Flann O’Brien: Gallows Humour. He is currently readying a monograph on the Irish literary hoax.

ANNALISA FEDERICI holds a Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from the University of Perugia, Italy. Her main research areas are literary modernism, formal aspects in fiction, and the relationship between writing and psychological processes. She has published monographs, essays, and book chapters on James Joyce and Virginia Woolf, often in a comparative perspective.

JAMES ALEXANDER FRASER is the author of Joyce and Betrayal and the editor, with Katherine Ebury, of Joyce’s Non-Fiction Writings. Recently, he has focused on the intersections between bicycles, modernity, and modernism, in particular in the works of James Joyce, Dorothy Richardson, Samuel Beckett, D. H. Lawrence, and Flann O’Brien.

MICHAEL PATRICK GILLESPIE is a Professor of English at Florida International University. He is currently working on a book-length project, Unreliable Narrators: The Myth of an Irish Fiction.

GARRY LEONARD is Professor of Literature and Film at the University of Toronto. His books on Joyce include Reading “Dubliners” Again: A Lacanian Perspective and Advertising and Commodity Culture in Joyce. Other essays on Joyce have appeared in the James Joyce Quarterly, Joyce Studies Annual, Novel, and Modern Fiction Studies. His latest essay on Joyce is entitled “Aesthetics and Alcoholism: The Epiphany and Transgenerational Trauma.”

ANNIKA J. LINDSKOG is Lecturer in English Literature at Lund University, Sweden. She is the author of Silent Modernism: Soundscapes and the Unsayable in Richardson, Joyce, and Woolf, and has published articles on Dorothy Richardson, Joseph Conrad, and Sylvia Plath.

JEFFREY LONGACRE is Professor of English and Chair of the Department of English and Modern Foreign Languages at the University of Tennessee at Martin, where he regularly teaches courses on British and Irish Literature as well as film studies. He has published articles on William Blake, James Joyce, Edna O’Brien, and Alfred Hitchcock.

YOSHIMI MINAMITANI is a lecturer at Nippon Institute of Technology, Japan. His recent publications include chapters in Joyce’s Contrivance: Rejoicing “Dubliners” and Ways Out of Joyce’s Labyrinth: Rereading “A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man” and the essay “Joyce’s ‘Force’ and His Tuskers as Modern Animals” in Humanities.

MARK S. MORRISSON is Professor and Head of English at Penn State University. He is author of The Public Face of Modernism: Little Magazines, Audiences, and Reception 1905–1920, Modern Alchemy: Occultism and the Emergence of Atomic Theory, and Modernism, Science, and Technology, and he is co-editor with Richard Shillitoe of I Saw Water: An Occult Novel and Other Selected Writings by Ithell Colquhoun. Morrisson is a past president of the Modernist Studies Association and a current member of the ADE Executive Committee...




  • 贡献者

RICHARD BARLOW是新加坡南洋理工大学的副教授。他的文章发表在《爱尔兰研究评论》和《苏格兰文学评论》上。他的第一本书名为《凯尔特人无意识:乔伊斯和苏格兰文化》

罗伯特·贝瑞( ROBERT BERRY)是费城漫画家,创作了尤利西斯》(ULYSSES)《看得见》(ULYSSES “ seen”),这是一个雄心勃勃的项目,旨在将乔伊斯的小说完全改编成视觉学习平台。他的作品曾在世界各地的Bloomsday庆祝活动中展出,在这些活动中,他们帮助团结了乔伊斯(Joyce)的奉献者无论是新人还是博学多才的人。他在宾夕法尼亚大学(University of Pennsylvania)任教,偶尔也有机会制作漂亮的照片。

ROBERT BRAZEAU是加拿大埃德蒙顿艾伯塔大学爱尔兰研究副教授。他发表过有关现代主义和当代爱尔兰作家的文章,包括最近和即将出版的有关安妮·恩特(Anne Enright)和肖恩·奥卡西(Sean O'Casey)的文章。他目前正在完成对JM Synge作品的研究。

凯瑟琳·埃伯里(KATHERINE EBURY)是谢菲尔德大学现代文学高级讲师。她是《现代主义与宇宙学》和《现代文学与死刑》(1890-1950年)的作者,并且是乔伊斯与詹姆斯·弗雷泽(James Fraser)共同撰写的非小说类作品

PAUL FAGAN是萨尔茨堡大学的高级科学家。法根(Fagan)是国际弗兰恩·奥布赖恩学会(International Flann O'Brien Society)的联合创始人,是《教区评论:弗兰恩·奥布赖恩研究》杂志的总编辑,也是科克大学出版社的合编。弗兰恩·奥布赖恩:竞赛的遗产,弗兰恩·奥'布里恩(Brien):权威问题弗兰恩·奥布莱恩Flann O'Brien):绞刑架幽默(Gallows Humor)。他目前正在准备有关爱尔兰文学骗局的专着。

ANNALISA FEDERICI拥有博士学位。意大利佩鲁贾大学比较文学博士学位。她的主要研究领域是文学现代主义,小说的形式方面以及写作与心理过程之间的关系。她经常以比较的观点出版有关詹姆斯·乔伊斯和弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫的专着,论文和书籍章节。

詹姆斯·亚历山大·弗雷泽(JAMES ALEXANDER FRASER)是乔伊斯和背叛的作者,乔伊斯的非小说作品凯瑟琳·埃伯里(Katherine Ebury)共同编辑。最近,他专注于自行车,现代性和现代主义之间的交集,尤其是詹姆斯·乔伊斯,多萝西·理查森,塞缪尔·贝克特,DH劳伦斯和弗兰·奥布赖恩的作品。

MICHAEL PATRICK GILLESPIE是佛罗里达国际大学的英语教授。他目前正在从事一个整本书的项目,《不可靠的叙述者:爱尔兰小说的神话》

加里·莱昂纳德(GARRY LEONARD)是多伦多大学文学与电影系教授。他在乔伊斯(Joyce)上的书包括再次阅读《都柏林人》:拉康的观点以及乔伊斯(Joyce)中的广告和商品文化。关于乔伊斯的其他文章发表在《詹姆斯·乔伊斯季刊》,《乔伊斯研究年度》,小说现代小说研究中。他在乔伊斯(Joyce)上发表的最新文章的标题为“美学与酒精中毒:顿悟与跨代创伤”。

ANNIKA J. LINDSKOG是瑞典隆德大学英语文学讲师。她是Richardson,Joyce和Woolf的《沉默的现代主义:音景与不可言说》的作者,并发表了有关Dorothy Richardson,Joseph Conrad和Sylvia Plath的文章。

JEFFREY LONGACRE是田纳西大学马丁分校英语教授兼英语和现代外语系系主任,他在那里定期教授英国和爱尔兰文学以及电影研究课程。他在William Blake,James Joyce,Edna O'Brien和Alfred Hitchcock上发表过文章。

吉田美实(Yoshimi MINAMITANI)是日本日本技术大学的讲师。他最近的出版物包括《乔伊斯的创造力:欢乐的“都柏林人”》《乔伊斯迷宫的出路:重读“青年时期的艺术家肖像”》以及人文领域的“乔伊斯的“力量”和他的象牙动物作为现代动物” 。

MARK S. MORRISSON是宾夕法尼亚州立大学的教授兼英语系主任。他是《现代主义的公开面孔:小杂志,受众和接待点1905-1920年》,《现代炼金术:神秘主义和原子理论的出现以及现代主义,科学和技术》的作者,并且是与的理查德·希利托(Richard Shillitoe)共同编辑我看到了水:神秘的小说和伊瑟尔·科尔奎恩(Ithell Colquhoun)的其他精选著作。莫里森(Morrisson)是现代主义研究协会的前任主席,也是ADE执行委员会的现任理事...
