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The Dickens Checklist
Dickens Quarterly Pub Date : 2021-03-03 , DOI: 10.1353/dqt.2021.0013
Dominic Rainsford

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • The Dickens Checklist
  • Dominic Rainsford

Secondary Sources: Biography and Criticism

Armstrong, Nancy. "Why the Bildungsroman No Longer Works." Textual Practice, vol. 34, no. 12, Dec. 2020, pp. 2091–111. [GE] Beaumont, Matthew. The Walker: On Finding and Losing Yourself in the Modern City. Verso, 2020. [Ch. 2: "Going Astray: Charles Dickens's The Old Curiosity Shop"] Bell, Emily, and Claire Wood, editors. Dickens, Death, and Afterlives. Special issue of Victoriographies, vol. 10, no. 3, Nov. 2020. [Bell and Wood, "Introduction," pp. 213–27; David McAllister, "Dickens's 'School of Affliction': Learning from Death in Nicholas Nickleby and The Old Curiosity Shop," pp. 228–47; Claire Wood, "Dickens and the Art of Epitaph," pp. 248–69; Emily Bell, "Writing the Death of Dickens," pp. 270–91; Michael Hollington, "Charles Dickens: The Woolf Afterlife," pp. 292–310; Maureen England, "Dickens's Afterlife: Character and Cultural Memory," pp. 311–31.] Bordelon, David. "Transatlantic Dickens; or, Travels through Nineteenth-Century Book History in America." Book History, vol. 23, 2020, pp. 99–129. Boyd, Brian. "Resetting Literature through Language." Style, vol. 54, no. 2, 2020, pp. 139–64. [BH] Brunismann, Danielle Franco, and Mirian Ruffini. "A estilística de Machado de Assis em Oliver Twist e 'Miss Dollar.'" TradTerm, vol. 35, June 2020, pp. 164–85, doi.org/10.11606/issn.2317-9511.v35i0p164-185. Busse, Beatrix. Speech, Writing, and Thought Presentation in 19th-Century Narrative Fiction: A Corpus-Assisted Approach. Oxford UP, 2020. [OT] Carlson, Brittany. "Dickens at the Intersection of Literacy and Numeracy Anxieties." Dickens Society Blog, 10 Nov. 2020, dickenssociety.org/archives/3035. Carver, Beci. "Dickensian Stuffing." Critical Quarterly, vol. 61, no. 4, Dec. 2019, pp. 50–61. [GE] Dickens Quarterly, vol. 37, no. 4, Dec. 2020. [William F. Long, "'Our Space is Limited': Fitting Sketches by Boz into the Morning Chronicle," pp. 325–48; Ewa Kujawska-Lis, "'The Drunkard's Death': 19th-century Polish Translations," pp. 349–71; Suneel Mehmi: "Charles Dickens's Writing Project–The Preservation of the Power Name 'Boz' and the Foundling," pp. 372–92; Emily Moody, "'Implausible and Inappropriate': A Defense [End Page 119] of Dickens's A Christmas Carol," pp. 393–408; Jeremy Parrott, "The Lifetime UK Editions of Great Expectations," pp. 409–31; Joel J. Brattin, review of The Collected Dickens: A Bibliography of the Lifetime U. K. Editions of Charles Dickens's Works, by Jeremy Parrott, pp. 432–36; Gillian Piggott, review of Dickens's Clowns: Charles Dickens, Joseph Grimaldi and the Pantomime of Life, by Jonathan Buckmaster, pp. 437–40; Claire Wood, review of Dickens, Nicholas Nickleby, and the Dance of Death, by Jeremy Tambling, pp. 440–42; Sophia Charlotte Jochem, review of Dickens and Women ReObserved, edited by Edward Guiliano, pp. 443–46; Benjamin Westwood, review of Minor Creatures: Persons, Animals, and the Victorian Novel, by Ivan Kreilkamp, and The Political Lives of Victorian Animals: Liberal Creatures in Literature and Culture, by Anna Feuerstein, pp. 446–51; Duane DeVries, review of Behind the Scenes: Publishing about Dickens in Hard Times, by Robert Patten, pp. 451–54; Lydia Craig, review of The Charles Dickens Letters Project, pp. 454–57; Sara Malton and Susan Cook, "The Fifty-First Annual Dickens Society Meeting and Business," pp. 458–61; Dominic Rainsford, "The Dickens Checklist," pp. 467–71.] Federico, Annette. "Blessed Little Room: Re-Reading David Copperfield." The Times Literary Supplement, 26 June 2020, pp. 16–17. Fisher, Tony. "Theatre of Poverty: Popular Illegalism on the Nineteenth-Century Stage." Foucault's Theatres, edited by Tony Fisher and Kélina Gotman, U of Manchester P, 2019, pp. 192–218. Flynn, Michael J. "Liking David Copperfield: On David Copperfield by Charles Dickens." My Victorian Novel: Critical Essays in the Personal Voice, edited by Annette R. Federico and Jane Tompkins, U of Missouri P, 2020, pp. 213–30. Grener, Adam. Improbability, Chance, and the Nineteenth-Century Realist Novel. Ohio State UP, 2020. [Ch. 3: "Dickensian Coincidence, Cognitive Mapping, and the Victorian Metropolis"] Hamdan, Mohammed. "'Or They'll Break Their Hearth–Ethpethially the Women': A Reading of the Hearth Fire and Dickensian Women." English Studies, vol. 101, no. 6, 2020, pp. 707–26. [HT, GE] Hamdi, Saber. "Of 'Household Gods' and Devils: Fetishism in the Old Curiosity Shop." Anglia: Zeitschrift f...




  • 狄更斯清单
  • 多米尼克·雷恩斯福德(Dominic Rainsford)


南希,阿姆斯特朗。“为什么Bildungsroman不再起作用。” 文本练习,第一卷 34号 2020年12月12日,第2091–111页。[ GE ]博蒙特,马修。步行者:关于在现代城市中的发现与迷失。2020年,Verso。2:“走迷路:查尔斯·狄更斯的老好奇商店”]贝尔,艾米丽和克莱尔·伍德,编辑。狄更斯,死亡与来世胜利纪事特刊,第一卷。10号 2020年11月3日。[Bell and Wood,“简介”,第213–27页;戴维·麦卡利斯特(David McAllister),“狄更斯的“痛苦学校”:从尼古拉斯·尼克比Nicholas Nickleby)老好奇商店中的死亡中学习”,第228-47页;克莱尔·伍德,“狄更斯和墓志铭文”,第248-69页;艾米丽·贝尔,“狄更斯之死”,第270-91页;迈克尔·霍林顿,“查尔斯·狄更斯:伍尔夫来世”,第292-310页;莫琳•英格兰,“狄更斯的来世:性格和文化记忆,”第311-31页。或《穿越美国的19世纪书史》。《书史》,2020年第23卷,第99-129页。博伊德·布莱恩,“通过语言重置文学。”《时尚》第54卷,第2期,2020年。 ,第139–64页。[ BH ] Brunismann,Danielle Franco和Mirian Ruffini,“Astilísticade Machado de Assis em Oliver Twist e'Miss Dollar。”,TradTerm,卷。35,2020年6月,第164-85页,doi.org / 10.11606 / issn.2317-9511.v35i0p164-185。比塞特里克斯(Beatrix),巴斯。19世纪叙事小说中的言语,写作和思想表达:一种语料库辅助的方法。牛津大学出版社,2020年。[旧版]卡尔森,布列塔尼。“在识字和算术焦虑交叉处的狄更斯。” 狄更斯协会博客Dickens Society Blog),2020年11月10日,dickenssociety.org/archives/3035。卡弗,贝西。“狄更斯式的馅”。关键季刊,卷。61号 2019年12月4日,第50-61页。[ GE ]狄更斯季刊,卷。37号 2020年12月4日。[William F. Long,“'我们的空间有限':将Boz的素描画入《晨晨编年史》”,第325-48页;Ewa Kujawska-Lis,“'醉汉之死':19世纪波兰语翻译”,第349-71页;Suneel Mehmi:“查尔斯·狄更斯的写作计划-权力名称'Boz'和Founding的保存”,第372-92页;艾米莉·穆迪(Emily Moody),“'模棱两可和不适当的内容:狄更斯的《圣诞节颂歌》的辩护” [第119页]],第393-408页;杰里米·帕罗特(Jeremy Parrott),《终身期盼的英国版》,第409–31页;Joel J. Brattin,《狄更斯的收藏:查尔斯·狄更斯一生英国版的书目》s作品,杰里米·帕罗特(Jeremy Parrott),第432–36页;吉莉安·皮格特(Gillian Piggott),评论狄更斯的小丑:查尔斯·狄更斯,约瑟夫·格里马尔迪和生命的哑剧,乔纳森·巴克马斯特(Jonathan Buckmaster),第437–40页;克莱尔·伍德(Claire Wood),《狄更斯,尼古拉斯·尼克勒比和死亡之舞》的评论,作者杰里米·坦布林(Jeremy Tambling),第440-42页;索菲亚·夏洛特·乔赫姆(Sophia Charlotte Jochem),《狄更斯和女性观察》评论,爱德华·吉利亚诺(Edward Guiliano)编辑,第443–46页;本杰明·韦斯特伍德(Benjamin Westwood),《小动物:人,动物和维多利亚小说的评论》,伊万·克雷尔坎普(Ivan Kreilkamp),和《维多利亚动物的政治生活:文学与文化中的自由生物》,安娜·弗伊尔斯坦(Anna Feuerstein),第446–51页。杜安·德弗里斯(Duane DeVries),《幕后的回顾:艰难时期狄更斯的出版》,罗伯特·帕滕(Robert Patten),第451–54页;莉迪亚·克雷格(Lydia Craig),《查尔斯·狄更斯书信计划》的评论,第454–57页;萨拉·莫尔顿(Sara Malton)和苏珊·库克(Susan Cook),“第五十届狄更斯学会年度会议和商业活动”,第458–61页;多米尼克·雷恩斯福德(Dominic Rainsford),“狄更斯清单”,第467-71页。“有福的小房间:重新阅读大卫·科波菲尔。” 泰晤士报文学增刊,2020年6月26日,第16-17页。费舍尔,托尼。“贫困剧院:19世纪舞台上的普遍非法行为。” 福柯的剧院,托尼·费舍尔(Tony Fisher)和凯琳娜·高特曼(KélinaGotman)编辑,曼彻斯特大学,2019年,第192-218页。弗林(Flynn),迈克尔(Michael J)。“喜欢大卫·科波菲尔:查尔斯·狄更斯着大卫·科波菲尔。”我的维多利亚时代小说:个人声音中的批判性散文,由安妮特·R·费德里科和简·汤普金斯编辑,密苏里大学出版社,2020年,第213–30页。格雷纳,亚当。不可能,机会和19世纪的现实主义小说。俄亥俄州立大学,2020年。3:“狄更斯重合,认知映射和维多利亚时代的大都市”]穆罕默德·哈姆丹。“'否则,他们将打破他们的炉膛-从根本上说是妇女':炉膛之火和狄更斯妇女的读物。” 英语研究,第一卷 101号 2020年6月,第707-26页。[ HT,GE ]哈姆迪,佩剑。“《家庭神》和《恶魔:在古老的好奇商店里的拜物教》。英吉利:Zeitschrift f ...
