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The Intimacy of Wounds: Care of the Other in Seneca's Consolatio Ad Helviam
American Journal of Philology Pub Date : 2020-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/ajp.2020.0029
Victoria Rimell

Abstract:In this close reading of Seneca's consolation to his mother, I propose new ways of understanding the text as a whole, building critically on responses to Fantham's thesis of "displacement" (Fantham 2007), and mapping how the notoriously violent opening relates to the central body of the text, and to its concluding chapters. The paper focuses on Seneca's metaphors of the wound and wounding, and on what kinds of ethical relation might be imagined and sustained by the counter-intuitive process of irritating, revisiting and sharing in psychophysical wounds rather than closing them. In considering the disruption to invulnerable male identity that the wounded mother may be seen to represent in this text, I reassess the significance of the ad Heluiam in the development of Stoic ethics and explore what is missing in Foucault's tendentious account of imperial Stoicism as a quasi-medical regimen and social practice in which "all is lost if you begin with care for others" (Foucault 2005, 198).



摘要:在仔细阅读 Seneca 对他母亲的安慰时,我提出了从整体上理解文本的新方法,批判性地建立在对 Fantham 的“位移”论文(Fantham 2007)的回应之上,并描绘了臭名昭著的暴力开场与正文的中心部分,以及它的结尾章节。这篇论文的重点是塞内卡对创伤和伤害的隐喻,以及通过刺激、重新审视和分享心理物理创伤而不是关闭它们的反直觉过程,可以想象和维持什么样的伦理关系。在考虑到受伤​​的母亲可能在本文中所代表的对无懈可击的男性身份的破坏时,