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Aesthetic Resistance: Racist Visual Tropes and the Oppositional Gaze in Joel Christian Gill's Tales of the Talented Tenth
African American Review Pub Date : 2020-12-12 , DOI: 10.1353/afa.2020.0030
Amanda M. Greenwell


Joel Christian Gill’s Tales of the Talented Tenth employs the comics medium to confront racism and promote antiracist agency in his readership. In particular, two recurring visual tropes—blackface minstrel figures and crows—materialize racist concepts and practices while also resisting them, thus engaging readers in a contrapuntal reading practice that revises historically inscribed relations between signifier and signified, authority and subaltern. Positioning these figures in relation to a Black oppositional gaze, Tales of the Talented Tenth invites readers to witness and engage in a politics of looking that confronts and critiques cultural scripts of oppression.




乔尔·克里斯蒂安·吉尔(Joel Christian Gill)的《有才华故事》(Tales of the Talented Ten)使用漫画媒介来对抗种族主义,并在其读者群中促进反种族主义行为。尤其是,两个反复出现的视觉对立物(黑脸庞然大物人物和乌鸦)在体现种族主义概念和实践的同时又抵抗了它们,从而使读者参与到对立的阅读实践中,从而修改了指代者与被指代者,权威与下属之间的历史铭刻关系。《天才的故事》将这些人物与黑人对立的目光相对应,邀请读者目睹并参与一种政治见解,以面对和批评压迫的文化手稿。
