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Women’s Industrial Labor in Hungary: An Overview of Main Tendencies and Turning Points from the End of the Nineteenth Century
East Central Europe Pub Date : 2019-04-04 , DOI: 10.1163/18763308-04601002
Judit Acsády 1

This study is a part of the RE-WORK research project at the Centre for Social Science of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and it contributes to the initiative to create a social history overview of Hungarian industrial labor since the last decades of the nineteenth century. Women workers in Hungary have been part of the labor force ever since the beginning of industrialization, and yet they have mostly formed a distinct and in certain ways segregated group of industrial laborers. Based on statistical data, a review of secondary literature, and pointing at some original sources, the study provides an overview of the main characteristics and the tendencies as well as the most relevant features of women’s employment in industry in Hungary.



