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Intentional language change and the connection between mixed languages and genderlects
Language Dynamics and Change Pub Date : 2019-08-08 , DOI: 10.1163/22105832-00902001
Peter Bakker 1

This paper links genderlects and mixed languages. Both may have their roots in a gender dichotomy, where two distinct populations come together and blend into a new one, with different linguistic consequences. Mixed languages are generally assumed to be the result of deliberate or conscious language change and often come about as the result of an act of identity, connected to the birth of a new social or ethnic group. Societies or ethnic groups that are the result of mixed marriages may develop a mixed language or a genderlect. I show that there is a connection between the two, as proven in one specific case: a mixed language developed into a genderlect over several centuries. Typically, mixed languages combine elements from two languages with results that are so unusual that they are clearly not the result of normal language change, i.e. they are not outcomes of regular transmission between generations. Certain combinations found in genderlects show parallel patterns, for example in having personal pronouns or deictic elements that derive from other languages. Comparative evidence based on structural parallels suggests that some such genderlects (though not necessarily all) derive from deliberate changes by earlier generations. In this paper, I also investigate whether there is a link between societies with socially quite different roles for men and women, and societies with a genderlect, and find that such a link does not seem to exist.



本文将两性和混合语言联系起来。两者都可能起源于性别二分法,其中两个截然不同的人群汇聚在一起,融合成一个新的人群,产生了不同的语言后果。一般认为,混合语言是故意或有意识的语言变化的结果,并且通常是由于与新的社会或族裔群体的产生有关的身份行为的结果而发生的。混血婚姻造成的社会或种族群体可能会发展成一种混血的语言或性别偏见。我证明了两者之间的联系,这在一个特定的案例中得到了证明:一种混合的语言在数个世纪中发展成性别偏见。通常,混合语言会将两种语言的元素结合在一起,其结果是如此不寻常,以至于它们显然不是正常语言更改的结果,即 它们不是世代之间定期传播的结果。在性别折中者中发现的某些组合表现出相似的模式,例如具有从其他语言衍生而来的人称代词或修辞格。基于结构相似性的比较证据表明,某些这样的性别偏见(尽管不一定全部)源于前几代人的蓄意改变。在本文中,我还研究了男女角色在社会上有很大不同的社会与性别平等的社会之间是否存在联系,并且发现这种联系似乎并不存在。基于结构相似性的比较证据表明,某些这样的性别偏见(尽管不一定全部)源于前几代人的蓄意改变。在本文中,我还研究了男女角色在社会上有很大不同的社会与性别平等的社会之间是否存在联系,并且发现这种联系似乎并不存在。基于结构相似性的比较证据表明,某些这样的性别偏见(尽管不一定全部)源于前几代人的蓄意改变。在本文中,我还研究了男女角色在社会上有很大不同的社会与性别平等的社会之间是否存在联系,并且发现这种联系似乎并不存在。
