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New Nation, New History: Promoting National History in Tajikistan
Journal of Persianate Studies Pub Date : 2019-01-28 , DOI: 10.1163/18747167-12341322
James D. Clark 1

This essay looks at the national history of the Tajiks of Central Asia that was created in the twentieth century and has continued to develop into the twenty-first century. It traces the notion of Tajik nationalism, which arose in the 1920s under the Soviet Union, largely in response to Uzbek nationalism. Soviet intellectuals and scholars thereafter attempted to construct a new history for the Tajiks. The most important effort in that area was Bobojon Ghafurov’s study Tadzhiki (Tajiks, 1972), which gave them primacy among the Central Asian peoples. The essay examines the policies of independent Tajikistan’s government, such as its focus on the Samanid dynasty and the replacement Soviet monuments and names with nationalist ones. Finally, it looks at the challenges that contemporary Islamic movements in the country pose to the earlier secular interpretations.



本文着眼于二十世纪创建并一直发展到二十一世纪的中亚塔吉克人的民族历史。它追溯了塔吉克民族主义的概念,该概念是在1920年代苏联领导下兴起的,主要是对乌兹别克民族主义的回应。此后,苏联知识分子和学者试图为塔吉克斯坦建立新的历史。在这方面最重要的努力是Bobojon Ghafurov的研究Tadzhiki(塔吉克,1972年),使他们在中亚各国人民中享有至高无上的地位。本文考察了塔吉克斯坦独立政府的政策,例如其对萨曼王朝的关注以及用民族主义代替苏维埃古迹和地名。最后,它考察了该国当代伊斯兰运动对早期世俗解释带来的挑战。
