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Mission in the Middle: Exploring Latin American Mission and Hermeneutics
Journal of Pentecostal Theology Pub Date : 2020-09-21 , DOI: 10.1163/17455251-02902007
Miguel Álvarez 1

Miguel Álvarez, a native of Honduras, explores how mission theology and the contextual implementation of Missio Dei is impacted by Latino hermeneutics. As a foundation, the article compares the North American and Latin American approaches to missiology. It shows how mission as an act of benevolence in the practice of faith differs from mission as a total commitment to the gospel in the execution of the Great Commission. Álvarez contends that because of their context of service, Latinos interpret God’s mission based on a paradigm that favors the poor and disenfranchised of society, and he argues that the ministry of Jesus Christ followed the same paradigm. This Latino perspective on mission helps to explain the current revival that is taken place in the Global South today.



洪都拉斯人MiguelÁlvarez探索拉丁裔诠释学如何影响宣教神学和Missio Dei的情境实现。作为基础,本文比较了北美和拉丁美洲的气象学方法。它表明宣教是在信仰实践中的一种仁慈行为,与宣告执行大使命时对福音的全部承诺有何不同。阿尔瓦雷斯辩称,由于服务对象的背景,拉美裔人根据有利于穷人和被剥夺社会权利的范式来解释上帝的使命,他辩称耶稣基督的事奉遵循了同样的范式。这种拉丁美洲人对任务的看法有助于解释当今全球南方正在发生的当前复兴。
