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The Reconstruction of the Circulation of Muḥammad al-Hindī’s Ǧumal al-falsafa Using Manuscript Notes
Journal of Islamic Manuscripts Pub Date : 2018-10-25 , DOI: 10.1163/1878464x-00902004
Jawdath Jabbour 1

Muḥammad al-Hindī’s Ǧumal al-falsafa is a philosophical summa from the 12th century CE. The text is preserved in two manuscripts: an autograph (Esad Efendi 1918) and a copy thereof. Various notes and annotations pervade MS Esad Efendi 1918’s fly-leaves and title-page. An examination of these, to date, understudied elements provides us with the only information that links this author to Yemen. It also reveals the steps taken on its journey, from 12th-century Yemen to Mamluk Egypt and Syria, and eventually Safavid Iran and Ottoman Istanbul.



Muḥammadal-Hindī的Ǧumalal-falsafa公元12世纪的哲学总结。文本保留在两个手稿中:亲笔签名(Esad Efendi 1918)及其副本。MS Esad Efendi 1918的活页和标题页上充斥着各种注释和注释。迄今为止,对这些尚未被充分研究的要素的研究为我们提供了将该作者与也门联系起来的唯一信息。它还揭示了从12世纪也门到马穆鲁克埃及和叙利亚,以及最终萨法维德伊朗和奥斯曼帝国伊斯坦布尔所采取的步骤。
