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The Legal Response to Pandemics: The Strengths and Weaknesses of the International Health Regulations
Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies Pub Date : 2020-12-09 , DOI: 10.1163/18781527-01102003
Gian Luca Burci 1

The pandemic of ‘severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2’ (sars-CoV-2) has raised unprecedented challenges for most international legal and policy regimes and we cannot yet foresee its long-term consequences. The legal and institutional regime to prevent and control the international spread of disease, based on the World Health Organization and the International Health Regulations (ihr 2005) has also been severely tested. Critics have challenged who’s apparent politicization and the ineffectiveness of the ihr 2005 as a tool to coordinate the international response to covid-19. The ihr 2005 have codified the operational model of the who Secretariat at the time of their revision, but the assumptions about who’s epistemic authority and the willingness of states parties to conform to who’s lead have proven overoptimistic. Still, addressing some of the major weaknesses of the ihr 2005 could give them renewed momentum and nudge states towards a more coordinated and effective response to epidemics.



“严重急性呼吸系统综合症冠状病毒2”(sars -CoV-2)大流行对大多数国际法律和政策体系提出了前所未有的挑战,我们尚无法预见其长期后果。法律和体制机制,以预防和控制疾病的国际传播,根据世界卫生组织和国际卫生条例(IHR 2005)也受到严峻考验。批评者对的政治化和ihr 2005作为协调国际社会对covid -19的工具的无效性提出了挑战。2005年的IHR已将“谁”的运营模式编纂为法律秘书处在修订之时,但是关于的认知权威和缔约国愿意遵循的领导的假设被证明是过于乐观的。尽管如此,解决2005年Ihr的一些主要弱点仍可以使他们重新获得动力,并推动各州朝着对流行病采取更协调和有效的应对措施迈进。
