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Voice and Power: Ḥafṣah bint al-Ḥājj and the Poetics of Women in Al-Andalus
Journal of Arabic Literature Pub Date : 2020-04-06 , DOI: 10.1163/1570064x-12341397
Majd Al-Mallah 1

This paper examines the poetry of the Andalusī woman poet Ḥafṣah bint al-Ḥājj (d. 589/1191) in the context of a rich body of anecdotes surrounding that poetry as preserved in Nafḥ al-ṭīb, which al-Maqqarī (d. 1041/1632) wrote to preserve the cultural memory of al-Andalus. Known as the preeminent woman poet of Granada in the twelfth century, she lived most of her life under Almohad rule and had a connection to their court. Although literature surrounding Ḥafṣah is generally limited compared to major male poets, this paper will show that a close analysis of al-Maqqarī’s section on Ḥafṣah reveals the poet’s voice and agency. This paper argues that al-Maqqarī’s framing of Ḥafṣah in his landmark work elevates rather than marginalizes the poet and her status as a cultural figure in al-Andalus.



本文探讨在围绕该诗歌轶事的丰富体的上下文中,安达卢西亚女人诗人哈芙赛宾特人朝觐(d。1191分之589)的诗歌中保存NafḥAL-TIB,其中Al-Maqqarī(d。1041 / 1632)写信来保留安达卢斯(Al-Andalus)的文化记忆。作为十二世纪格拉纳达的杰出女诗人,她在Almohad的统治下过着大部分的生活,并与他们的宫廷有联系。尽管与主要男性诗人相比,围绕《 afafah》的文献通常有限,但本文将显示,对al-Maqqarī关于afafah的章节的仔细分析揭示了诗人的声音和代理。本文认为,马格卡里在ī具有里程碑意义的作品中对Ḥafṣah的构想是提升而不是边缘化了诗人及其在安达卢斯的文化人物的地位。
