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Who is “Profaned?” Rabbinic and Samaritan (Re)formulations of Leviticus 21:9
European Journal of Jewish Studies Pub Date : 2019-09-02 , DOI: 10.1163/1872471x-11411073
David Rothstein

Second Temple, rabbinic, and Samaritan sources preserve a variety of interpretations and (re)formulations of Leviticus 21:9. The pivotal issue informing the various approaches to this verse is the identity of the person “profaned” by the conduct of the priest’s daughter; specifically, is it the daughter, herself, or her father who is (directly) affected? The present essay examines various rabbinic and Samaritan interpretations of this verse, noting the exegetical (i.e., morphological and syntactic) similarities and differences obtaining among these positions. Especial attention is devoted to the formulation of Targum Onqelos, for which two explanations are proposed, and the similar exegetical features reflected in Samaritan renderings of this passage. It is demonstrated that, like Targum Onqelos and additional rabbinic/Jewish targumic sources, Samaritan sources indicate that some Samaritan students of Leviticus understood Lev 21:9 to mean that it is the daughter, herself, who is profaned by her conduct.


谁是“亵渎的人?” 利未记的拉比尼和撒玛利亚人(重新)配方21:9

第二圣殿,拉比和撒玛利亚人的资料保留了利未记21:9的各种解释和(重新)表述。告知对这节经文采取各种方式的关键问题是牧师的女儿的行为“亵渎”了该人的身份。具体来说,是(直接)受到影响的是女儿,自己还是父亲?本文考察了这节经文的各种拉比和撒玛利亚人解释,指出这些位置之间在训ege(即形态和句法)上的异同。特别关注的是Targum Onqelos的提法,对此提出了两种解释,以及这段经文的撒玛利亚文译本反映出类似的释义特征。事实证明,就像Targum Onqelos一样 撒玛利亚人的资料表明,一些利玛窦的撒玛利亚人学生理解利21:9,这意味着女儿自己受到行为的亵渎,这是撒玛利亚人的一些消息。
