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Ordering the Church: Ecumenism and the Three-Fold Ministry
Ecclesiology Pub Date : 2020-01-21 , DOI: 10.1163/17455316-01601005
Joseph D. Small 1

The shape of ordered ministry remains an ecumenical stumbling stone. There is a wide gap between churches ordered by the threefold ministry of bishop-priest-deacon and churches ordered by different patterns of ministry. It may be possible to narrow the gap by detecting a pervasive threefold ministry of episcope/keygma-didache/diakonos in both presbyterial and congregational ordered churches. That recognition can prompt ecumenical exchanges concerning the relationship between office and function. The case of Reformed and Presbyterian churches, among the least open to bishops, is examined, recovering the possibility of personal episcope that can open episcopal, presbyterial, and associational churches to deepening mutuality and forms of reconciliation.



有序事工的形状仍然是普世的绊脚石。由主教-牧师-执事三部委命令的教会与不同部委命令的教会之间存在很大的差距。通过在老公会和公理会中检测到普遍存在的三倍的episcope / keygma-didache / diakonos事工,可以缩小差距。这种认识可以促使人们就办公室与职能之间的关系进行普世交流。审查了改革宗和长老会教会的情况,这是对主教开放最少的情况,从而恢复了个人主观能为主教,长老会和联合会教会加深相互之间的关系和和解形式的可能性。
