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La condition humaine au 21e siècle selon Gaëtan Brulotte
American Review of Canadian Studies Pub Date : 2021-03-15 , DOI: 10.1080/02722011.2020.1848000
Margareta Gyurcsik


This article focuses on the latest collection of short stories by Gaëtan Brulotte entitled La contagion du réel (2014) and seeks to highlight the specificity of Brulotte’s realistic aesthetic as well as his contribution to the continuing renewal of this literary genre. The originality of Brulotte’s works resides in his “vision de biais” or his slanted, oblique, and parabolic vision, founded on the free manipulation of realism. This vision takes into account the complexity of human beings’ rapport with the Real and is depicted in terms of construction and destruction, comic and tragic stories filled with love and violence, inspired by everyday situations and absurd ones which deal with both creation as well as death. The stories in La contagion du réel constitute in this way a brilliant exercise in the “manipulation” of realism. This analysis examines the multitude of approaches, both personal and oblique, used by Brulotte to tackle the question of the Real while taking into consideration the new forms and narrative techniques invented by the author.


La condition humaine au 21esiècleselonGaëtanBrulotte


本文着重介绍GaëtanBrulotte的最新短篇小说集《La contagion duréel(2014)》,力图强调布鲁洛特现实主义审美的特殊性以及他对这种文学体裁的不断更新的贡献。布鲁洛特作品的独创性在于他的“远见”或他的倾斜,倾斜和抛物线形的视觉,建立在对现实主义的自由操纵之上。该构想考虑了人类与真实世界融洽的复杂性,并通过建筑和破坏,充满爱与暴力的喜剧和悲剧故事来描绘,其灵感来自于日常情况和荒诞的故事,既涉及创造又涉及死亡。巴黎大剧院的故事这样就构成了对现实主义“操纵”的出色实践。该分析考察了布鲁洛特使用的多种方法,包括个人方法和倾斜方法,同时考虑了作者发明的新形式和叙事技巧。
