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For a Cosmotechnical Event
Foundations of Science ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-13 , DOI: 10.1007/s10699-020-09729-2
Yuk Hui

What will philosophy of technology be as its practitioners depart from the cross- roads of the ideas of Don Ihde and Bernard Stiegler? Their two lines of thought confront and cross each other, giving rise to different ways of understanding technologies. Rather than following one or the other of these directions, I propose an Erörterung of such crossroads. As Heidegger’s (1953) commentary on Georg Trakl’s poetry (Die Sprache im Gedicht) insists, Erörterung means, first, “to point out the proper place or site of something to situate it (das Weisen in den Ort),” and, second, “to heed that place or site (das Beachten des Ortes)”. This Erörterung has to be conducted at multiple times, on multiple levels, as each of them hermeneutically identifies its own site. I proceed first through an Erörterung of the crossroads of the thinking of technology after Ihde and Stiegler, and second through an Erörterung of the Ort or the site of the first Erörterung, where the Ort for Heidegger is the land of the evening, the Occident [Abendland], in the throes of globalization, or more precisely Americanisation, a form of disorientation, that obscures the unconcealment of the essence of the human-technology relationship central to Heidegger. In the third part, I propose that the way to integrate and extend Heidegger, Ihde, and Stiegler is to acknowledge the importance of historical, cultural, and geopolitical difference in the interrelationship between the cosmos, morality, and technical activities, what I call cosmotechnics.



当技术实践者偏离唐·艾德(Don Ihde)和伯纳德·斯蒂格勒(Bernard Stiegler)的思想的交汇点时,技术哲学将是什么?他们的两种思路相互面对和交叉,从而产生了对技术的不同理解方式。我提议遵循这样的十字路口,而不是遵循这些方向中的一个或另一个。作为乔治·特拉克尔诗歌海德格尔(1953)评论(模具SPRACHE IM Gedicht)坚持认为,Erörterung手段,第一,“点出正确的地点或网站的东西宅院它(DAS维森在书房的Ort),”第二, “注意那个地方或地点(das Beachten des Ortes)”。这个Erörterung必须分多次,在多个级别上进行,因为每个人都从诠释上确定了自己的位置。我第一次着手通过Erörterung通过技术伊德和斯蒂格勒后的思考,和第二的十字路口Erörterung的的的Ort或第一的网站Erörterung,其中的Ort海德格尔是晚上的土地,欧美[阿本兰德],在全球化或更确切地说是美国化的阵痛中,一种迷失方向的形式掩盖了对海德格尔至关重要的人与技术关系的本质的隐蔽性。在第三部分中,我建议整合和扩展海德格尔,艾德和斯蒂格勒的方法是要承认历史,文化和地缘政治差异对宇宙,道德与技术活动之间的相互关系的重要性,我称之为宇宙技术。
