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Landscape assessment of a 100-year-old sacred forest within a shrine using geotagged visitor employed photography
Journal of Forest Research ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-14 , DOI: 10.1080/13416979.2021.1892251
Yusuke Mizuuchi 1 , Kazuhiko W. Nakamura 1


The forest of Meiji-Jingu shrine was afforested 100 years ago with the aim of creating a sublime forest one century later. In this study, we conducted a visual landscape assessment to explore whether the forest had reached sublime forest status. Specifically, the spatial condition of the forest associated with sublimity and landscape types that made visitors feel sublime were assessed using a combination of data collected from geotagged visitor employed photography and questionnaires. We performed a hotspot analysis with Getis-Ord Gi* statistics and the average nearest neighbor method to identify the landscape types and their characteristics that provided a sense of sublimity, and a content analysis and semantic differential method were employed to determine how current visitors perceived the forest of Meiji-Jingu. The main findings were as follows: (1) current visitors evaluated the forest as sublime; (2) tree height and a large trunk were the most important features contributing to sublimity; (3) the vicinity of the worship hall, the torii at Harajuku gate, and the bridge were identified as hotspots; and (4) while the forest was identified as a sublime landscape type, the worship hall and torii were rated as the most sublime by visitors. This framework for landscape assessments should be useful for the future creation and conservation of high quality forested landscapes.




明治神宫的森林是在100年前造林的,目的是在一个世纪后创造出崇高的森林。在这项研究中,我们进行了视觉景观评估,以探索森林是否达到了崇高的森林地位。具体来说,是结合使用从带有地理标签的访问者所拍摄的照片和调查表收集的数据来评估与使游客感到崇高的崇高境界和景观类型相关的森林空间状况。我们使用Getis-Ord Gi *统计数据和平均最近邻方法进行了热点分析,以识别具有崇高感的景观类型及其特征,并采用内容分析和语义差分法来确定当前访问者如何看待景观。明治神宫的森林。主要研究结果如下:(1)当前的游客对森林的评价是崇高的;(2)树高和树干大是造成次高的最重要特征;(3)礼拜堂,原宿门的鸟居和大桥附近被确定为热点;(4)虽然森林被确定为崇高的景观类型,但礼拜堂和鸟居被游客评为最崇高的景观。这种景观评估框架对于将来创造和保护高质量森林景观应该是有用的。(4)虽然森林被确定为崇高的景观类型,但礼拜堂和鸟居被游客评为最崇高的景观。这种景观评估框架对于将来创造和保护高质量森林景观应该是有用的。(4)虽然森林被确定为崇高的景观类型,但礼拜堂和鸟居被游客评为最崇高的景观。这种景观评估框架对于将来创造和保护高质量的森林景观应该是有用的。
