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Derivation of All Linear Transformations that Meet the Results of Michelson–Morley’s Experiment and Discussion of the Relativity Basics
Moscow University Physics Bulletin ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-14 , DOI: 10.3103/s0027134920060181
R. Szostek


The paper presents a formal proof that the mathematics on which the special theory of relativity (STR) is based is currently misinterpreted. The evidence is based on an analysis of the importance of parameter \(e(v)\). Understanding the meaning of this parameter was achieved by analyzing the general form of transformation, for which the Lorentz transformation is only a special case. If \(e(v)\neq 0\) then the clocks in inertial systems are desynchronized. Measurements, e.g., one-way speed, using such clocks do not give real values.

The article shows that there are infinitely many different transformations in which one-way speed of light is always equal to \(c\). The Lorentz transformation is only one of those infinitely many transformations.

In this article, the whole class of linear transformations of time and coordinate was derived. Transformations were derived on the assumption that conclusions from Michelson–Morley’s and Kennedy–Thorndikea’s experiments are met for the observer from each inertial frame of reference, i.e., that the mean velocity of light in the vacuum flowing along the way back and forth is constant. It was also assumed that there is at least one inertial frame of reference, in which the velocity of light in a vacuum in each direction has the same value \(c\), and the space is isotropic for observers from this distinguished inertial frame of reference (universal frame of reference).

Derived transformations allow for building many different kinematics according to Michelson–Morley’s and Kennedy–Thorndikea’s experiments.

The class of transformations derived in the study is a generalization of transformations derived in the paper [12], which consists in enabling non-zero values of parameter \(e(v)\). The idea of such a generalization was suggested to me by Grzegorz Koczan which is not a critic of Special Theory of Relativity, but develops it and deepens its understanding (e.g., see [2]).




本文提供了正式的证明,即相对论特殊理论(STR)所基于的数学目前被误解了。证据基于对参数\(e(v)\)的重要性的分析。通过分析变换的一般形式可以了解该参数的含义,对此,Lorentz变换只是一个特例。如果\(e(v)\ neq 0 \),则惯性系统中的时钟不同步。使用此类时钟进行的测量(例如单向速度)不会提供实际值。

该文章表明,存在无限多种不同的变换,其中单向光速始终等于\(c \)。洛伦兹变换只是无限多个变换之一。

在本文中,得出了时间和坐标的线性变换的整个类。变换是基于这样的假设得出的:从每个惯性参考系中,观察者都可以满足迈克尔逊-莫雷(Morganson-Morley's)和肯尼迪-桑迪克(Kennedy-Thorndikea)的实验结论,即真空中来回流动的平均光速是恒定的。还假定至少有一个惯性参考系,其中真空中每个方向上的光速具有相同的值\(c \),并且对于观察者而言,该空间是各向同性的。参考(通用参考框架)。


该研究中得出的变换类别是论文[12]中得出的变换的概括,它包括启用参数\(e(v)\)的非零值。广义相对论不是由狭义相对论的批评者提出的,而是由Grzegorz Koczan向我提出的,但是他发展了它并加深了它的理解(例如,参见[2])。
