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First Record of the Beach-Hopper Speziorchestia tucurauna (Crustacea: Amphipoda) in the Oceanic Island of Fernando de Noronha, Northeastern Brazil
Thalassas: An International Journal of Marine Sciences ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-14 , DOI: 10.1007/s41208-020-00257-1
Tammy Iwasa-Arai , Juliana Lopes Segadilha , Thaiana Garcia Almeida Rodrigues , Silvana Gomes Leite Siqueira

The beach-hopper Speziorchestia tucurauna (Müller 1864) is reported for the first time from Fernando de Noronha Archipelago. This is the second record of S. tucuraunafrom an oceanic island, which has been reported from Rocas Atoll, and the first record of Talitridae for the island. Seven beaches along the island were surveyed, and S. tucurauna was reported only for Sueste beach. The brackish environment provided by the unique oceanic mangrove of the South Atlantic located at Sueste beach may favor the species survival during the dry season.


巴西东北部费尔南多·德诺罗尼亚群岛大洋洲的海滩跳跃者Speziorchestia tucurauna(甲壳纲:两栖类)的第一记录

据报道,费尔南多·德·诺罗尼亚群岛首次报道了海滩跳跃者Speziorchestia tucurauna(Müller,1864年)。这是罗卡斯环礁报道的第二个来自大洋岛屿的土cur链球菌S. tucurauna),也是该岛的塔利科(Talitridae)的第一条记录。对该岛上的七个海滩进行了调查,据报道,S。tucurauna仅针对Sueste海滩。位于Sueste海滩的南大西洋独特的红树林提供的咸淡环境可能有利于干旱季节物种的生存。
