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Creation of a COVID-19 business and life lesson: the impact on students’ learning and behavior
Accounting Research Journal Pub Date : 2021-01-13 , DOI: 10.1108/arj-08-2020-0243
Shane Bowyer


The purpose of this paper is to encourage other educators to pivot and implement a current event activity when a situation arises. This paper examines the pedagogical benefits of implementing a current event class activity. The author discusses using tacit knowledge of an international trip to heighten awareness of the COVID-19 pandemic while linking it to business management knowledge. Results of a follow-up student survey are also discussed.


Considering the potential impact of COVID-19, an in-class activity was implemented and later followed up by a survey that addressed the activity impact. Students conducted brief research on COVID-19 and were put in small groups that analyzed scenarios for potential spread and identified steps business managers could take as safeguards. The entire class discussed the scenarios and potential actions during the upcoming spring break. The associated survey was for future classroom management and feedback concerning COVID-19 and not designed for research purposes.


The literature analyses and survey results indicate that pivoting from the syllabus and engaging students in a current event activity can be beneficial. In this study, students displayed increased awareness and changed actions as a result of the class activity.


This paper shares the author’s perspective regarding deviation from the course syllabus to conduct a class activity focused on a current event, which in this case is the COVID-19 pandemic.


创建 COVID-19 商业和生活课程:对学生学习和行为的影响


本文的目的是鼓励其他教育工作者在出现情况时转向并实施时事活动。本文研究了实施当前事件类活动的教学优势。作者讨论了使用国际旅行的隐性知识来提高对 COVID-19 大流行的认识,同时将其与企业管理知识联系起来。还讨论了后续学生调查的结果。


考虑到 COVID-19 的潜在影响,我们实施了一项课堂活动,随后进行了一项针对活动影响的调查。学生们对 COVID-19 进行了简短的研究,并被分成小组,分析潜在传播的场景,并确定业务经理可以采取的保护措施。全班讨论了即将到来的春假期间的情景和可能采取的行动。相关调查是为了未来的课堂管理和关于 COVID-19 的反馈,而不是为研究目的而设计的。




本文分享了作者关于偏离课程大纲以开展专注于当前事件(在本例中为 COVID-19 大流行)的课堂活动的观点。
