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A Causal Model of Children’s Vicarious Traumatization
Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma Pub Date : 2021-01-04 , DOI: 10.1007/s40653-020-00331-z
Stephenie Howard

Children may be vicariously traumatized from learning about the trauma of family and friends. To date, a causal model of children’s vicarious traumatization has not been empirically validated in the literature. This paper fills the gap in the literature by reporting on the direct effect of vicarious trauma on children independent of caregiving impairment. Data for the study came from the National Survey of Children’s Exposure to Violence I (NATSCEV I). This unique dataset features two indicators of vicarious trauma exposure: (1) family victimization and (2) community violence. Hierarchical multiple regression was conducted in order to control for nuisance variables such as caregiver impairment, defined as the degree of warmth or hostility; time elapsed since the trauma occurred and the study taking place; and other trauma exposure (i.e. direct and witnessed trauma). As expected, the study found evidence of a direct and positive relationship between learning about the trauma of close friends and family and children’s trauma symptomatology. Both adolescents and young children were found to be vulnerable to experience vicarious traumatization, with gender and ethnicity being contributing factors. Chronological age was not found to be significant in children’s vicarious traumatization. These findings support the causal model of vicarious traumatization. They demonstrate that children may be traumatized by exposure to the trauma material of others above and beyond the influence of caregiver impairment. As such, attention should be given to interventions, practices, and policies that intervene in the lives of children exposed to violence.



儿童可能会因了解家人和朋友的创伤而受到间接创伤。迄今为止,儿童替代性创伤的因果模型尚未在文献中得到实证验证。本文通过报告替代性创伤对独立于照料障碍的儿童的直接影响,填补了文献空白。该研究的数据来自全国儿童暴力暴露调查 I (NATSCEV I)。这个独特的数据集具有两个替代性创伤暴露的指标:(1)家庭受害和(2)社区暴力。进行分层多元回归是为了控制烦人的变量,例如照顾者的损害,定义为热情或敌意的程度;自创伤发生和研究开始以来经过的时间;和其他创伤暴露(即 直接和目击的创伤)。正如预期的那样,该研究发现了了解亲密朋友和家人的创伤与儿童的创伤症状之间存在直接和积极关系的证据。发现青少年和幼儿都容易受到替代性创伤,性别和种族是促成因素。未发现实际年龄在儿童的替代性创伤中具有重要意义。这些发现支持替代性创伤的因果模型。它们表明,儿童可能会因接触他人的创伤材料而受到创伤,而超出了照料者损害的影响。因此,应关注干预暴力儿童生活的干预措施、做法和政策。该研究发现,有证据表明了解亲密朋友和家人的创伤与儿童的创伤症状之间存在直接和积极的关系。发现青少年和幼儿都容易受到替代性创伤,性别和种族是促成因素。未发现实际年龄在儿童的替代性创伤中具有重要意义。这些发现支持替代性创伤的因果模型。它们表明,儿童可能会因接触他人的创伤材料而受到创伤,而超出了照料者损害的影响。因此,应关注干预暴力儿童生活的干预措施、做法和政策。该研究发现,有证据表明了解亲密朋友和家人的创伤与儿童的创伤症状之间存在直接和积极的关系。发现青少年和幼儿都容易受到替代性创伤,性别和种族是促成因素。未发现实际年龄在儿童的替代性创伤中具有重要意义。这些发现支持替代性创伤的因果模型。它们表明,儿童可能会因接触他人的创伤材料而受到创伤,而超出了照料者损害的影响。因此,应关注干预暴力儿童生活的干预措施、做法和政策。
