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Vienna’s Ringstrasse: A Spatial Manifestation of Sociopolitical Values
Journal of Planning History Pub Date : 2020-07-28 , DOI: 10.1177/1538513220943146
Tanja Winkler 1

If we agree with Ananya Roy’s claim that planning’s epistemic roots are grounded in liberalism—which is riddled with inherent ethicopolitical tensions—then it might be worth our while to explore some of the spatial consequences of this grounding. The implementation of Vienna’s Ringstrasse serves as an excellent case example for such an exploration. On the one hand, it consists of an array of monumental public buildings that resemble material expressions of freedom and individuality. Yet, for this development to be realized in the first place, some form of intervention was necessary despite liberalism’s subscription to noninterventionism. Lessons learned from revisiting the Ringstrasse project might then prove illuminating for our contemporary era of “hyperliberalism.”



如果我们同意阿南亚·罗伊(Ananya Roy)的说法,即计划的认识论根源在于自由主义-内在的固有的政治政治紧张气氛充斥着-那么,我们有必要探索这种接地的一些空间后果。维也纳环形大街(Ringstrasse)的实施为此类探索提供了很好的案例。一方面,它由一系列具有纪念意义的公共建筑组成,类似于自由个性的物质表达。然而,要使这一发展首先得以实现,尽管自由主义赞成不干预主义,但仍需要某种形式的干预。重新审视Ringstrasse项目所获得的经验教训可能会证明对我们当代的“超级自由主义”时代具有启发性。
