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Book Review: Sarah Anna Glover: Nineteenth-Century Music Education Pioneer, by Jane Southcott. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2019.
Journal of Historical Research in Music Education Pub Date : 2020-07-03 , DOI: 10.1177/1536600620937481
Patti Tolbert 1

Sarah Anna Glover was a British music educator whose concern for improving congregational singing led to a detailed and rigorous method for teaching singing using her carefully developed Norwich Sol-fa system. Sol-fa became important, as it was eventually adapted to several music-teaching systems and made famous in the present day by its use in the movie The Sound of Music. The system was later modified, promoted, and circulated by Glover’s countryman John Curwen, beginning what would be a well-documented conflict between Curwen and Glover.


书评:莎拉·安娜·格洛弗(Sarah Anna Glover):简·索斯科特(Jane Southcott),《十九世纪音乐教育的先驱》。医学博士兰纳姆(Lanham):列克星敦图书,2019年。

莎拉·安娜·格洛弗(莎拉·安娜·格洛弗(Sarah Anna Glover))是一位英国音乐教育家,他对改善会众歌唱的关注导致了使用她精心开发的诺里奇Sol-fa系统来细致而严格地教授歌唱的方法。Sol-fa变得很重要,因为它最终适应了多种音乐教学系统,并通过在电影《音乐之声》中的使用而广为人知。此系统后来由格洛弗的同乡约翰·柯文(John Curwen)进行了修改,推广和分发,开始了柯文与格洛弗之间的有据可查的冲突。