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New Possibilities for Culturally Responsive Experiential Education in Teacher Education
Journal of Experiential Education Pub Date : 2021-01-20 , DOI: 10.1177/1053825921989078
Elizabeth Laura Yomantas 1

Background: Understanding how students conceptualize culturally responsive service learning (CRSL) before and after an experiential education (EE) program has the potential to inform the instructional and theoretical designs and long-term possibilities of EE programs in teacher education. Purpose: To (a) explore students’ early-trip conceptions of CRSL in comparison with their end of trip conceptions while on a month-long EE program in rural Fiji and (b) examine which self-reported experiences facilitated the transformation of participant understandings of CRSL. Methodology/Approach: This study was situated in EE theory and critical pedagogy and utilized a narrative inquiry methodology. Findings/Conclusions: Students held traditional notions of service in their early-trip definitions. In their end of trip definitions, the participants’ definitions transformed to include new understandings. Implications: CRSL is a complex concept that requires cyclical reflexivity and self-interrogation. In teacher education, CRSL can serve as a springboard for meaningful culturally responsive fieldwork experiences. Further CRSL programming and research are needed to expand the field and open new possibilities in teacher education and beyond.



背景:了解学生如何在体验式教育(EE)计划之前和之后将文化响应式服务学习(CRSL)概念化,有可能为教师教育中的EE计划的教学和理论设计以及长期可能性提供信息。目的:(a)在斐济农村进行为期一个月的EE计划时,探索学生对CRSL的早期旅行观念与旅行结束观念的比较,以及(b)研究哪些自我报告的经历促进了参与者理解的转变CRSL。方法论/方法:本研究位于EE理论和批判教育学中,并采用了叙述性探究方法。结果/结论:学生在他们的早期旅行定义中保留了传统的服务理念。在旅行结束时,参与者的定义转变为包括新的理解。启示: CRSL是一个复杂的概念,需要周期性的反思和自我审问。在教师教育中,CRSL可以充当有意义的文化响应性实地考察经验的跳板。需要进一步的CRSL编程和研究来扩展该领域,并为教师教育及其他领域开辟新的可能性。
