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Performing community: Lampedusa in Festival against the border spectacle of Mediterranean migrations
Journal of European Studies Pub Date : 2020-12-01 , DOI: 10.1177/0047244120965749
Caterina Scarabicchi 1

Over the last decade, Lampedusa has frequently been represented in the EU media as the setting of a supposed migration emergency due to the unprecedented number of displaced individuals transiting through its harbour. However, in contrast with such discourses, a growing number of social and artistic interventions have emerged, advancing a counter-narrative of solidarity and cultural dialogue. This article examines the case of Lampedusa in Festival, a community event organized by the Askavusa collective, which took place each year between 2009 and 2015. Interpreting its nature, evolution and limits in the light of event studies, this article argues that the festival constituted a collective performance of resistance which combined local and transnational resources, with the potential to re-spectacularize migration as a political and social opportunity.



在过去的十年中,兰佩杜萨经常在欧盟媒体中被描述为假定的移民紧急情况的背景,因为空前数量的流离失所者通过其港口过境。然而,与这些话语相反,出现了越来越多的社会和艺术干预,推动了团结和文化对话的反叙事。本文考察了兰佩杜萨节的案例,这是一项由 Askavusa 集体组织的社区活动,该活动于 2009 年至 2015 年间每年举行。根据事件研究解释其性质、演变和限制,本文认为该节日构成了结合地方和跨国资源的集体反抗表演,