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“What works” and “how”: A continuous, critical conversation in corrections
European Journal of Probation Pub Date : 2020-12-01 , DOI: 10.1177/2516043520982402
Lily Gleicher

First and foremost, I had the pleasure to work with the European Journal of Probation’s Editorial Board and staff and want to thank them for their hard work and this opportunity. This Special Issue of the European Journal of Probation delves into American probation and parole models, practices, and policies, stemming from an American Society of Criminology panel from 2019. The articles in this issue revolve around different types of models, practices, and policies, but also specifically on their implementation and sustainability. This Special Issue offers timely insight regarding “what works” and “how” in community corrections as the field continues to grow, with approximately 4.4 million individuals supervised on probation or parole at year-end 2018 in the United States (Maruschak and Minton, 2020). However, understanding how these models, practices, and policies implement in real-world settings is of utmost importance—an effective program or practice implemented poorly is unlikely to result in desired outcomes (Fixsen et al., 2009). Implementation, adaptation or modification, and sustainability of evidencebased practices (EBPs) also has received very little, albeit growing, attention in the field of corrections. I hope that this issue provides interesting and useful information and considerations for correctional agencies regarding implementation and sustainability of models, practices, and policies from the clients, to staff, to the organization as a whole. This Special Issue should allow us to think critically about how correctional research can best be translated into working with effectively and efficiently with correctional agencies, staff, and their clients, create collaborative working relationships between researchers and those that work in the field, and identify areas of success and areas for improvement. In this issue, models, practices, and policies discussed include the risk-need-responsivity (RNR) model of offender assessment and rehabilitation, core correctional practices (CCPs), as well as Swift, Certain, and Fair (SCF) community supervision practices (also referred to as the HOPE model or Swift and Certain (SAC) models). The RNR model of assessment and rehabilitation identifies principles that can effectively reduce recidivism— matching level of service to level of risk for recidivism, matching services and programming that target risk factors that are amenable to change (criminogenic needs), and matching the style and mode of learning to individuals while also using treatment models most effective among justice-involved populations (e.g. cognitive-behavioral techniques, social learning-based practices, etc.) (Bonta and Andrews, 2017). In addition, another article discusses the integration of social capital as part of the RNR model of offender assessment and rehabilitation. Further, this Special Issue also includes information on paroling authorities and their support and incorporation of evidence-based practices (EBPs). Among 982402 EJP0010.1177/2516043520982402European Journal of ProbationEditorial 2020



首先,我很高兴与欧洲缓刑杂志的编辑委员会和工作人员一起工作,并感谢他们的辛勤工作和这次机会。本期欧洲缓刑杂志特刊深入探讨了美国缓刑和假释模式、实践和政策,源自 2019 年美国犯罪学学会小组。本期文章围绕不同类型的模型、实践和政策展开,但也特别关注它们的实施和可持续性。随着社区矫正领域的不断发展,本特刊及时提供了有关社区矫正“有效方法”和“方法”的见解,2018 年底美国约有 440 万人接受缓刑或假释(Maruschak 和 Minton,2020 年) )。然而,了解这些模型如何,实践和在现实环境中实施的政策是最重要的——一个有效的计划或实践执行不力不太可能产生预期的结果(Fixsen 等人,2009 年)。循证实践 (EBP) 的实施、调整或修改以及可持续性在矫正领域也很少受到关注,尽管关注度越来越高。我希望这个问题为惩教机构提供有趣和有用的信息和考虑,从客户、员工到整个组织的模式、实践和政策的实施和可持续性。本期特刊应该让我们批判性地思考如何最好地将惩教研究转化为与惩教机构、工作人员及其客户的有效合作,在研究人员和该领域工作人员之间建立协作工作关系,并确定成功领域和需要改进的领域。在本期中,讨论的模型、实践和政策包括罪犯评估和康复的风险-需求-响应 (RNR) 模型、核心惩戒实践 (CCP) 以及快速、确定和公平 (SCF) 社区监督实践(也称为 HOPE 模型或 Swift 和某些 (SAC) 模型)。RNR 评估和康复模型确定了可以有效减少再犯的原则——将服务水平与再犯风险水平相匹配,匹配针对易于改变的风险因素(犯罪需求)的服务和计划,并将学习的风格和模式与个人相匹配,同时还使用在涉及正义的人群中最有效的治疗模型(例如认知行为技术、基于社会学习的实践等)(Bonta 和 Andrews,2017 年)。此外,另一篇文章讨论了作为罪犯评估和康复 RNR 模型一部分的社会资本的整合。此外,本特刊还包括有关假释当局及其支持和纳入循证实践 (EBP) 的信息。其中 982402 EJP0010.1177/2516043520982402European Journal of ProbationEditorial 2020 另一篇文章讨论了作为罪犯评估和康复 RNR 模型一部分的社会资本的整合。此外,本特刊还包括有关假释当局及其支持和纳入循证实践 (EBP) 的信息。其中 982402 EJP0010.1177/2516043520982402European Journal of ProbationEditorial 2020 另一篇文章讨论了作为罪犯评估和康复 RNR 模型一部分的社会资本的整合。此外,本特刊还包括有关假释当局及其支持和纳入循证实践 (EBP) 的信息。其中 982402 EJP0010.1177/2516043520982402European Journal of ProbationEditorial 2020