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Bearing Witness to God: Ricoeur and the Practice of Religious Testimony
Literature and Theology Pub Date : 2020-10-27 , DOI: 10.1093/litthe/fraa018
Jacob D Myers

Philosophers of religion and theologians have long debated one of the most fundamental features of religious life, namely, how humans are able to talk about God. More than others, Paul Ricoeur has offered a viable philosophical account for bearing witness to the Divine beyond the strictures of logical positivism. Nevertheless, ‘bearing witness’ (martureó) remains problematic for living religion because it is always already oriented toward a kind of death (martyr). While acknowledging the approbation Ricoeur deserves for enabling religious expression, this essay challenges Ricoeur’s Kantian and Naberian presuppositions in light of feminist philosophies (of religion). Scholars like Luce Irigaray and Grace Jantzen help us think beyond the a priori limits that structure God-talk as a burden to bear, opening thereby a discursive frame beyond the phallogocentric and necrophilic.



宗教哲学家和神学家长期以来一直在辩论宗教生活的最基本特征之一,即人类如何能够谈论上帝。保罗·里科(Paul Ricoeur)不仅提供了可行的哲学解释,还为逻辑上的实证主义的束缚提供了对神的见证。然而,“信徒见证”(martureó)对于活着的宗教仍然是有问题的,因为它总是已经朝着一种死亡(烈士)的方向发展。在承认理高为宗教表达而应受到的认可的同时,本文根据女权哲学(宗教)挑战了理高的康德和纳比尔假设。像Luce Irigaray和Grace Jantzen之类的学者帮助我们超越了先验的局限性,这种局限性将神的话语构成承受的负担,