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Literary Imagination Pub Date : 2020-09-02 , DOI: 10.1093/litimag/imaa032
Katie Peterson

Weeks since you touched me, and not evenin bed, but visiting your home country, we had each other on the floor.Our reason, our daughter, curled on the mattress, pillow-buttressed, so asleepwe worried she was dead. Past worlds whir in my headwhen I drop her off at day care to make time for the money I earnto keep her alive – like the city I mastered finding a parking place by the river fastereven than I wanted to, the city where I ate the scone laced with lavender, toppedwith salt, again and again, the city where I leased an apartment that lookedjust like nineteenth century France, like Emma Bovary’s place, with nature brought in by forceas fine prints and fake antiques – my world you pierced when you left your wife, then I becameyour wife and we became a different worldbecause my father gave me away 



自从您碰我几周以来,不是在床上,而是在探访您的祖国,我们彼此在地板上。我们的原因是我们的女儿curl缩在床垫上,靠着枕头支撑着,所以睡着了,我们担心她已经死了。当我在日托中心放下她,为赚取她维持生计的金钱腾出时间时,过去的世界world绕在我的头上-就像我精通的城市一样,我在河边找到停车位的速度甚至比我想的要快,这是我吃烤饼的城市一次又一次地在薰衣草上撒上盐,我在那座城市租了一套公寓,看上去就像十九世纪的法国,就像艾玛·博瓦里(Emma Bovary)的住所,大自然被精美的印刷品和假古董带入–当你离开时,我的世界被刺穿了妻子,然后我成为了妻子,我们成为了一个不同的世界,因为父亲把我送走了 