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Sheet Music Round-up
Nineteenth-Century Music Review Pub Date : 2019-11-27 , DOI: 10.1017/s1479409819000600
Andrea Cawelti

We are living in a great age for sheet music research. After a long period of scholarly apathy, in the last few decades the world has awoken at last to the great historical value that sheet music holds, from its topical texts, to its extraordinary illustrations. Researchers today can discover online sheet music-based exhibits on a huge variety of subjects, from the blockbuster Music for the Nation exhibits and digital collections on the Library of Congress website, which embed detailed articles and essays into curated collections of sheet music resources, to exhibits created by specialized institutions like the National Museum of Civil War Medicine, which brings together songs from the North and South concerning enslaved persons, pacifists and carpetbaggers, complete with historical context and analysis. Many blogs tie sheet music illustrations in with current events: McGill's Marvin Duchow Music Library current exhibit, for instance, Women, Work, and Song, in Nineteenth-Century France (Fig. 1), provides impressive historical context and brief essays in both English and French. Accessed entirely through the lens of sheet music, the McGill exhibit neatly demonstrates the power of the Wayback Machine that sheet music can provide us. All things ‘culture’ can be explored: the economy, religion, gender, LGBTQ issues, consumerism, elements of popular culture such as the figure of the diva, sociological topics, and so on. Sheet music is invaluable for research of all kinds, as it documents trends as they happen in a specific time and place. McGill's music library curators have harnessed just this type of documentary evidence to build an excellent exhibit. But how do researchers find the music for this kind of detailed analysis? This round-up will explore the current landscape of historical sheet music, centred around how we access it online, news about the Sheet Music Consortium (where it has been, and where it is going) and, finally, a brief listing of digitized sheet music collections which are not included in the Consortium.



我们生活在乐谱研究的伟大时代。经过长期的学术冷漠,在过去的几十年里,世界终于意识到乐谱所具有的巨大历史价值,从其主题文本到其非凡的插图。今天的研究人员可以从大片中发现各种主题的在线乐谱展览民族音乐国会图书馆网站上的展品和数字馆藏,将详细的文章和论文嵌入精选的乐谱资源集合中,以及由国家内战医学博物馆等专业机构创作的展品,汇集了来自北方和南方的歌曲被奴役的人,和平主义者和地毯袋子,完整的历史背景和分析。许多博客将乐谱插图与当前事件联系起来:例如,麦吉尔的 Marvin Duchow 音乐图书馆当前展览,十九世纪法国的妇女、工作和歌曲(图 1),提供了令人印象深刻的历史背景和英文和法文的简短文章。完全通过乐谱的镜头访问,麦吉尔展览巧妙地展示了乐谱可以为我们提供的 Wayback Machine 的力量。“文化”的所有事物都可以被探索:经济、宗教、性别、LGBTQ 问题、消费主义、流行文化元素(如女主角的形象)、社会学话题等等。乐谱对于各种研究都是无价的,因为它记录了在特定时间和地点发生的趋势。麦吉尔音乐图书馆的策展人正是利用这种类型的文献证据来建立一个出色的展览。但是研究人员如何找到进行这种详细分析的音乐呢?本综述将探索历史乐谱的当前景观,