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Democratization in the Shadow of Globalization
International Organization ( IF 5.754 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-26 , DOI: 10.1017/s0020818321000059
Jacque Gao

In this article I develop a new theory of how globalization in the form of increasing potential foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows affects democratization. As the level of potential FDI inflows increases, workers become more willing to support democratization because of the large wage benefits from liberalizing FDI under democracy, while capitalists become less willing to support democratization because of their increasing need for protection from the dictator in the form of FDI restrictions. Increased demand for protection allows dictators to extract larger share of rents from capitalists. The effect of increasing potential FDI on democratization is ambiguous because it increases both workers’ incentive to revolt and dictators’ resistance to democratization.



在本文中,我提出了一种新的理论,即以增加潜在外国直接投资 (FDI) 流入的形式出现的全球化如何影响民主化。随着潜在外国直接投资流入水平的增加,工人变得更愿意支持民主化,因为在民主制度下开放外国直接投资会带来巨大的工资收益,而资本家则因为越来越需要以保护免受独裁者的形式来保护民主化,因此变得不太愿意支持民主化。外国直接投资限制。保护需求的增加使独裁者能够从资本家那里榨取更大份额的租金。增加潜在外国直接投资对民主化的影响是模棱两可的,因为它增加了工人反抗的动机和独裁者对民主化的抵抗。