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Global Britain's strategic problem East of Suez
European Journal of International Security Pub Date : 2021-01-12 , DOI: 10.1017/eis.2020.24
William D. James

Why did Britain withdraw from its military bases in the Arabian Peninsula and Southeast Asia midway through the Cold War? Existing accounts tend to focus on Britain's weak economic position, as well as the domestic political incentives of retrenchment for the ruling Labour Party. This article offers an alternative explanation: the strategic rationale for retaining a permanent presence East of Suez dissolved during the 1960s, as policymakers realised that these military bases were consuming more security than they could generate. These findings have resonance for British officials charting a return East of Suez today under the banner of ‘Global Britain’.



冷战中期,英国为何要撤出其在阿拉伯半岛和东南亚的军事基地?现有的报道倾向于关注英国疲软的经济地位,以及执政的工党在国内进行裁员的政治动机。本文提供了另一种解释:在 1960 年代,保留苏伊士以东永久存在的战略理由在 1960 年代解体,因为决策者意识到这些军事基地消耗的安全性超过了它们所能产生的安全性。这些发现引起了英国官员的共鸣,他们今天在“全球英国”的旗帜下计划从苏伊士东部返回。