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Cladocera paleocommunity to disentangle the impact of anthropogenic and climatic stressors on a deep subalpine lake ecosystem (Lake Iseo, Italy)
Aquatic Ecology ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-12 , DOI: 10.1007/s10452-021-09850-9
Barbara Leoni , Martina Patelli , Veronica Nava , Monica Tolotti

In big lakes with strong anthropogenic pressure, it is usually difficult to disentangle the impacts of climate variability from those driven by eutrophication. The present work aimed at the reconstruction of change in the species distribution and density of subfossil Cladocera in Lake Iseo (Italy) in relation to climate and anthropogenic pressure. We related subfossil Cladocera species composition and density in an 80-cm sediment core collected in the pelagic zone of Lake Iseo to long-term temperature trends and phosphorus concentration inferred by diatoms frustules. The Cladocera remains detected in Lake Iseo sediment reflected the species composition and density of modern pelagic Cladocera assemblages. Cladocera rapidly respond to environmental change, and that climate change combined with eutrophication can induce changes in community composition and species density. At the beginning of twentieth century, when global warming was not yet so accentuated, the nutrient increase in water resulted as the principal driver in determining the long-term development of plankton communities and pelagic food web structure. Moreover, catchment-related processes may decisively affect both species composition and density of the lake planktonic communities due to the decrease of lake water transparency induced by input of inorganic material from the catchment area to the lake. The paleolimnological investigation, through the combined study of biotic and abiotic factor, allowed clarifying the synergic effects of the most important drivers of change in lake ecosystems, suggesting that climatic factors should be considered with nutrient availability as determinant element in controlling the temporal development of plankton communities and pelagic food web structure.



在人为压力很大的大湖泊中,通常很难将气候变化的影响与富营养化驱动的影响区分开来。目前的工作旨在重建与气候和人为压力有关的伊塞奥湖(意大利)中的克拉德克拉斯化石的物种分布和密度的变化。我们将在伊塞奥湖中上层带收集的80 cm沉积岩心中的化石克拉科物种的组成和密度与硅藻壳推断出的长期温度趋势和磷浓度相关联。在伊塞奥湖沉积物中发现的克拉多拉残留物反映了现代中上层克拉多拉组合的物种组成和密度。克拉科德拉(Cladocera)对环境变化迅速做出反应,气候变化与富营养化相结合会导致群落组成和物种密度发生变化。在二十世纪初,当全球变暖尚未引起人们的重视时,水的养分增加成为决定浮游生物群落和远洋食物网结构长期发展的主要驱动力。此外,与流域有关的过程可能会决定性地影响湖泊浮游生物群落的物种组成和密度,这是由于无机物质从集水区向湖泊的输入而引起的湖泊水透明度的下降。通过对生物和非生物因素的综合研究,进行了古湖泊学研究,从而弄清了湖泊生态系统变化的最重要驱动因素的协同作用,
