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Cross-cultural comparisons of popular YouTube ads: A content analysis of YouTube video ads in the U.S. and South Korea
Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science Pub Date : 2021-03-12 , DOI: 10.1080/21639159.2020.1808828
Chang-Won Choi 1


This study examined whether online video ads in the U.S. and South Korea reflect their cultural values in the same way as traditional advertising has shown. A content analysis was conducted on popular YouTube video ads in both countries. Surprisingly, the results from the current research were somewhat inconsistent with the previous research results in mass media advertising. Most of the frequencies of advertising appeals of popular online video ads on YouTube in South Korea were not significantly different from those in the U.S., despite cultural differences between the two countries. Popular online video advertising might be more likely to reflect the individual and emotional characteristics of online video advertising rather than cultural values. Implications for international research on online video advertising were discussed.


流行 YouTube 广告的跨文化比较:美国和韩国 YouTube 视频广告的内容分析


这项研究调查了美国和韩国的在线视频广告是否以与传统广告相同的方式反映了他们的文化价值。对两国流行的 YouTube 视频广告进行了内容分析。令人惊讶的是,目前的研究结果与之前大众媒体广告的研究结果有些不一致。尽管两国之间存在文化差异,但韩国 YouTube 上流行的在线视频广告的大部分广告诉求频率与美国没有显着差异。流行的在线视频广告可能更可能反映在线视频广告的个人和情感特征,而不是文化价值。讨论了对在线视频广告国际研究的影响。
