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The genera Brianaria (Psoraceae) and Micarea (Pilocarpaceae) in Japan, with reports on other interesting species in Asia
The Lichenologist ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-12 , DOI: 10.1017/s0024282920000468
Brian J. Coppins , Hiroyuki Kashiwadani , Kwang Hee Moon , Toby Spribille , Göran Thor

An examination of collections from Japan has increased the number of Brianaria and Micarea species known from that country from eight to 19, including one new species, M. rubioides Coppins (also from Malaysia and the Philippines). Eleven species are reported as new to Japan (M. botryoides (Nyl.) Coppins, M. denigrata (Fr.) Hedl., M. erratica (Körb.) Hertel et al., M. hedlundii Coppins, M. lithinella (Nyl.) Hedl., M. micrococca (Körb.) Gams ex Coppins and M. misella (Nyl.) Hedl.) or new to Asia: M. byssacea (Th. Fr.) Czarnota et al., M. deminuta Coppins and M. xanthonica Coppins & Tønsberg (new to Asia; Japan); M. nitschkeana (J. Lahm ex Rabenh.) Harm. (new to Asia; South Korea). The presence of Micarea prasina s. str. from Japan needs to be confirmed; no collection was found in this study. Additional collections from South Korea and Sri Lanka are also reported, including the new species M. ceylanica Coppins from Sri Lanka. The identity of M. synotheoides (Nyl.) Coppins, originally described from Japan, has been resolved, resulting in the renaming of Western European material, previously under that name, as M. longispora Coppins. Micarea coreana Lőkös et al. is reported here as a synonym of M. erratica. The type of Lecidea inopinula Nyl. requires the new combination Micarea inopinula (Nyl.) Coppins & T. Sprib. to replace Micarea prasinella (Jatta) I. M. Lamb.



对日本藏品的审查增加了布赖纳利亚米卡雷亚该国已知的物种有 8 到 19 个,包括一个新物种,M. rubioidesCoppins(也来自马来西亚和菲律宾)。据报道,有 11 个物种是日本的新物种(M. botryoides(纽约州)科平斯,M. denigrata(Fr.) Hedl.,M. erratica(科尔布)赫特尔等。,M. hedlundii科平斯,M. lithinella(Nyl.) Hedl.,微球菌(Körb.) Gams ex Coppins andM. misella(Nyl.) Hedl.) 或亚洲新手:M.byssacea(Th. Fr.) Czarnota等。,M. deminuta科平斯和黄花菜Coppins & Tønsberg(亚洲新手;日本);M. nitschkeana(J. Lahm ex Rabenh。)伤害。(亚洲新手;韩国)。的存在白云母s。海峡 来自日本需要确认;在这项研究中没有发现任何集合。还报告了来自韩国和斯里兰卡的其他收集品,包括新物种M. ceylanica来自斯里兰卡的科平斯。的身份M. syntheoides(Nyl.) Coppins,最初描述自日本,已得到解决,导致将以前使用该名称的西欧材料重命名为M. longispora科平斯。云杉洛科斯等人. 在此报告为的同义词M. erratica. 的类型百合尼尔。需要新的组合云母(Nyl.) Coppins & T. Sprib。取代白云母(贾塔)我是羔羊。