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Benthic foraminifera from the Albian shallow-marine limestones in the Geyik Dağı area (Central Taurides), southern Turkey
Journal of Paleontology ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-12 , DOI: 10.1017/jpa.2021.17
Cemile Solak , Kemal Taslı , Hayati Koç

Cretaceous carbonates in the Geyik Dağı area (Central Taurides, southern Turkey) are represented by two successions with different paleoenvironmental settings: open shelf to slope succession of Cenomanian to Danian age and inner platform succession of Albian to Maastrichtian age, which is interrupted by a post-Cenomanian disconformity. Outcropped lowermost part of the platform-type one is composed of rudistid limestones corresponding to the Urgonian-type carbonates and belongs to the Geyik Dağı Unit (=Anamas-Akseki Carbonate Platform). It contains a rich assemblage of larger benthic foraminifera including orbitolinid, chrysalidinid, cuneolinid, nezzazatid, and miliolid taxa, which has been illustrated and documented here for the first time from the upper Albian of the Tauride Carbonate Platform. The occurrence of such a diversified foraminiferal fauna indicates a prominent high diversity that took place in the Tauride Carbonate Platform during the late Albian time, which corresponds to a major emersion period in some parts of the platform.


土耳其南部 Geyik Dağı 地区(Central Taurides)阿尔比亚浅海灰岩中的底栖有孔虫

Geyik Dağı 地区(土耳其南部中部 Taurides)的白垩纪碳酸盐岩以具有不同古环境背景的两个层序为代表:Cenomanian 至 Danian 时代的开放陆架至斜坡层序和 Albian 至 Maastrichtian 时代的内台地层序,后者被一个柱子打断-Cenomanian 不一致。一号台地出露的最下部由对应于乌尔贡阶碳酸盐岩的地壳灰岩组成,属于Geyik Dağı单元(=Anamas-Akseki碳酸盐台地)。它包含丰富的大型底栖有孔虫组合,包括圆孔虫、蝶形虫、楔形虫、nezzazatid 和 miliolid 分类群,这是首次从 Tauride 碳酸盐平台的上阿尔比安进行说明和记录。