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Stimulating language awareness in the foreign language classroom: exploring EFL teaching practices
Language Learning Journal Pub Date : 2019-11-17 , DOI: 10.1080/09571736.2019.1688857
Ellen W. R. van den Broek 1 , Helma W. Oolbekkink-Marchand 1, 2 , Ans M. C. van Kemenade 3 , Paulien C. Meijer 1 , Sharon Unsworth 3


This study reports on EFL teachers’ self-reported teaching practices aimed at stimulating students’ language awareness. It investigates whether, and to what extent, awareness-raising practices are currently implemented in EFL secondary education in the Netherlands, how these practices can be characterised, and how awareness-raising practices can be developed and further integrated into foreign language education. In a semi-structured interview, 10 teachers were asked to provide examples which they believed stimulated students’ awareness of language. A total of 41 teaching practices were collected. Analysis of teaching practices revealed that approximately half of all self-reported practices could be characterised as awareness-raising. These practices often integrated multiple topics, included authentic contexts, back-and-forth interaction and provided students with the opportunity to reflect on their own and other students’ language difficulties. At the same time, numerous practices which were reported as awareness-raising could not yet be characterised as such, indicating that teachers’ notion of what constitutes an awareness-raising practice may be incomplete. Nevertheless, these practices provide interesting leads for awareness-raising opportunities. In sum, the analysis of practices presents a valuable opportunity for teachers to discuss their notion of awareness-raising practices. In addition, such an analysis could support teachers in adjusting their own teaching practices.




本研究报告了 EFL 教师自我报告的教学实践,旨在激发学生的语言意识。它调查了目前在荷兰的 EFL 中学教育中是否以及在何种程度上实施了提高认识的做法,如何描述这些做法,以及如何发展提高认识的做法并将其进一步整合到外语教育中。在一次半结构化的访谈中,10 位教师被要求提供他们认为能激发学生语言意识的例子。共收集到41个教学实践。对教学实践的分析表明,在所有自我报告的实践中,大约有一半可以被描述为提高认识。这些实践通常整合多个主题,包括真实的上下文,来回互动,并为学生提供了反思自己和其他学生语言困难的机会。同时,许多被报告为提高认识的做法尚不能定性,这表明教师对什么构成提高认识的做法的概念可能不完整。然而,这些做法为提高认识的机会提供了有趣的线索。总之,对实践的分析为教师提供了一个宝贵的机会来讨论他们关于提高认识实践的概念。此外,这样的分析可以支持教师调整自己的教学实践。许多被报告为提高认识的做法尚不能定性,这表明教师对什么是提高认识做法的概念可能不完整。然而,这些做法为提高认识的机会提供了有趣的线索。总之,对实践的分析为教师提供了一个宝贵的机会来讨论他们关于提高认识实践的概念。此外,这样的分析可以支持教师调整自己的教学实践。许多被报告为提高认识的做法尚不能定性,这表明教师对什么是提高认识做法的概念可能不完整。然而,这些做法为提高认识的机会提供了有趣的线索。总之,对实践的分析为教师提供了一个宝贵的机会来讨论他们关于提高认识实践的概念。此外,这样的分析可以支持教师调整自己的教学实践。对实践的分析为教师提供了一个宝贵的机会来讨论他们关于提高认识实践的概念。此外,这样的分析可以支持教师调整自己的教学实践。对实践的分析为教师提供了一个宝贵的机会来讨论他们关于提高认识实践的概念。此外,这样的分析可以支持教师调整自己的教学实践。
