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Emotional Outcomes of Casual Sexual Relationships and Experiences: A Systematic Review
Journal of Sex Research ( IF 4.453 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-29 , DOI: 10.1080/00224499.2020.1821163
Rose Wesche 1 , Shannon E Claxton 2 , Emily A Waterman 3


Casual sexual relationships and experiences (CSREs) are common and emotionally significant occurrences. Given the uncommitted, often emotionally complicated nature of CSREs, researchers have asked whether these experiences may have positive and/or negative emotional consequences. We reviewed 71 quantitative articles examining emotional outcomes of CSREs, including subjective emotional reactions (e.g., excitement, regret) and emotional health (e.g., depression, self-esteem). Overall, people evaluated their CSREs more positively than negatively. In contrast, CSREs were associated with short-term declines in emotional health in most studies examining changes in emotional health within a year of CSRE involvement. Emotional outcomes of CSREs differed across people and situations. Women and individuals with less permissive attitudes toward CSREs experienced worse emotional outcomes of CSREs. Alcohol use prior to CSREs, not being sexually satisfied, and not knowing a partner well were also associated with worse emotional outcomes. These findings suggest directions for prevention/intervention related to CSREs. For example, skill-building related to sexual decision-making may help individuals decide whether, and under what circumstances, CSREs are likely to result in positive or negative emotional outcomes. In addition, the limitations of extant research suggest directions for future inquiry (e.g., examining whether verbal and nonverbal consent practices predict emotional outcomes of CSREs).




随意的性关系和经历(CSRE)是常见且具有情感意义的事件。考虑到 CSRE 的不确定性和情感复杂性,研究人员询问这些经历是否可能产生积极和/或消极的情感后果。我们回顾了 71 篇定量文章,研究了 CSRE 的情绪结果,包括主观情绪反应(例如兴奋、后悔)和情绪健康(例如抑郁、自尊)。总体而言,人们对他们的企业社会责任的评价更积极,而不是消极。相比之下,在大多数研究中,研究 CSRE 参与一年内情绪健康的变化,CSRE 与情绪健康的短期下降相关。CSRE 的情感结果因人和情况而异。对 CSRE 持不太宽容态度的女性和个人会经历更糟糕的 CSRE 情绪结果。在进行 CSRE 之前饮酒、性生活不满足以及不太了解伴侣也与较差的情绪结果有关。这些发现为与 CSRE 相关的预防/干预提供了方向。例如,与性决策相关的技能培养可以帮助个人决定是否以及在什么情况下,CSRE 可能会导致积极或消极的情绪结果。此外,现有研究的局限性为未来的研究指明了方向(例如,检查口头和非口头同意实践是否可以预测 CSRE 的情绪结果)。
