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Adolescents’ Perceptions of Physical Development Relative to Peers and Antisocial Behaviors
Journal of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology ( IF 2.222 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-25 , DOI: 10.1007/s40865-021-00160-0
Erica L. Dalzell , Caitlin Cavanagh

Two features of adolescence have remained largely constant over time—(1) youth experience drastic physical changes during puberty, and (2) many youth engage in antisocial or delinquent behavior. Prior work has found a positive relation between off-time pubertal timing and a host of adverse behaviors including reduced academic performance and substance use (Simmons 2017; Westling et al. Journal of Adolescent Health, 42(6), 555−563, 2008). However, previous research is largely limited in its measurement of pubertal timing in that it does not account for youth perceptions of self, social comparisons, and peer influence—salient components of the developmental period. The present study addressed this limitation by testing the effect of self-perceived development on antisocial behavior. Among a nationally representative sample of 4803 youth, the present study examined the effect of a self-report, peer-relevant measure of physical development on antisocial behaviors, varying in severity. Results revealed a positive relation between youths’ perceived physical development relative to same-aged peers and five categories of behaviors: antisocial behaviors, non-violent offending, violent offending, substance use, and weapon use. Overall, when youth reported being more physically developed than their same-aged peers, they were more likely to engage in deviant behavior. The results provide evidence for including self-report, peer-relevant measures of physical maturity from the youth perspective when studying adolescence and undesirable youth behavior.



青春期的两个特征在很大程度上一直保持不变:(1)青年在青春期经历剧烈的身体变化,(2)许多青年从事反社会或犯罪行为。先前的工作发现了青春期下班时间与一系列不良行为之间的正相关关系,其中包括降低学业成绩和滥用毒品(Simmons 2017; Westling等。《青少年健康杂志》42(6),555-563,2008)。但是,以前的研究在测量青春期时机方面受到很大限制,因为它没有考虑青年人对自我,社会比较和同龄人影响(即发育阶段的重要组成部分)的看法。本研究通过测试自我感知的发展对反社会行为的影响来解决这一局限性。在一项全国代表性的4803名青年样本中,本研究检查了自我报告的,同龄人相关的身体发育指标对反社会行为(严重程度有所不同)的影响。结果表明,与同龄同龄人相比,青年人的身体发育与五种行为之间存在正相关关系:反社会行为,非暴力犯罪,暴力犯罪,吸毒和使用武器。全面的,当青年报告说他们比同龄同龄人的身体更发达时,他们更有可能从事越轨行为。这些结果为从青少年角度研究自我和不良行为的自我报告,同龄人相关的身体成熟度提供了证据。
