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Erysichthon Gets Fed: A Menu in Mary Zimmerman’s Metamorphoses
International Journal of the Classical Tradition Pub Date : 2021-02-05 , DOI: 10.1007/s12138-020-00585-w
Robert S. Santucci

Scholarly attention to the Erysichthon scene in Mary Zimmerman’s Metamorphoses has been rather limited, but the scene is notable for Zimmerman’s innovation on both Ovid and his translator David R. Slavitt. Zimmerman designs a full course for Erysichthon, who has been stricken with an eternal hunger, to eat; this course has precedent neither in Ovid nor Slavitt. This is a notable addition considering Zimmerman’s often faithful rendition of her source text. I argue that Erysichthon’s menu puts a lighthearted spin on what is usually read as a very serious story; moreover, this menu situates Zimmerman’s Erysichthon among the Ovidian episodes she adapts in her play, which maintains a humourous tone. Erysichthon’s meal has far-reaching implications not only for contemporary reception of Ovid’s Erysichthon but for Ovidian reception as a field.


埃里希顿(Erysichthon)获得美联储:玛丽·齐默尔曼(Mary Zimmerman)的变形记中的菜单

学术关注玛丽·齐默尔曼(Mary Zimmerman)的《变形记》中的刺骨鱼有限,但Zimmerman在Ovid及其翻译David R. Slavitt身上的创新举足轻重。齐默曼(Zimmerman)为饱受永恒饥饿折磨的Erysichthon设计了一顿完整的食物。这门课程在奥维德(Ovid)和斯拉维特(Slavitt)中都没有先例。考虑到齐默尔曼(Zimmerman)经常忠实地翻译其原始文本,这是一个值得注意的补充。我认为Erysichthon的菜单使通常读作很严肃的故事轻松自如。此外,此菜单将齐默尔曼的《爱丽希森顿》放在她在剧本中改编的奥维多情节中,从而保持幽默感。Erysichthon的餐点不仅对当代Ovid的Erysichthon的接收,而且对于Ovidian的现场接收都具有深远的意义。
