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Shifting the Focus to East and Southeast Asia: A Critical Review of Regional Game Research
Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences Pub Date : 2021-02-17 , DOI: 10.1007/s40647-021-00317-7
Phan Quang Anh

This paper examines the prominence of East and Southeast Asia as a focus of communications and game studies. The idea of going regional when researching video games comes from the fact that each locale has its trait to construct its gaming industry and gaming environment from which the gaming experience is also reflected differently. The reasons provided, ranging from the regional market's dynamic nature to the attention that the governing states have paid to the gaming industry, help place Asia–Pacific in general and East and Southeast Asia particularly in the global gaming juxtaposition where the other part is usually the Western countries. Examples that help highlight the rising prominence of the regions as the most potential areas are also considered. This review's findings indicate that East and Southeast Asia have gradually built up their reputation by actively joining the designing, processing, and distributing digital products system. Thus, the focus of future research on the regions should be more concerned with video gaming.



本文考察了东亚和东南亚作为传播和博弈研究的重点。研究视频游戏时转向区域性的想法来自以下事实:每个地区都有其特征来构建其游戏产业和游戏环境,从中也可以不同地反映游戏体验。所提供的原因,从区域市场的动态性质到执政国对博彩业的关注,都有助于将亚太地区以及整个东亚和东南亚地区尤其是全球博彩业并置在一起,而其他部分通常是西方国家。还考虑了一些示例,这些示例有助于突出显示该地区日益重要的地位,因为它们也最具潜力。这篇评论” 研究结果表明,东亚和东南亚通过积极加入设计,加工和分销数字产品系统,逐渐建立了自己的声誉。因此,未来在该地区的研究重点应该更多地放在视频游戏上。
