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Virtual exchanges in language teacher education: Facilitating reflection on teaching practice through the use of video
TESOL Journal Pub Date : 2021-02-01 , DOI: 10.1002/tesj.580
Barbara Loranc‐Paszylk 1 , Shannon M. Hilliker 2 , Chesla Ann Lenkaitis 3

Language teachers must be equipped with technological skills to respond to the needs of 21st-century classrooms (Guichon & Hauck, 2011). The virtual exchange can be used as an innovative tool for developing these competences by connecting culturally and linguistically diverse populations through technologies. The study reported in this article explored how teacher candidates develop their ability to reflect on their teaching practice through virtual exchanges. Sixteen participants from universities in the United States and Poland met weekly in cross-cultural teams via Zoom videoconferences to discuss cultural topics and subsequently reflected on their collaborative, interactive experience by watching their recorded synchronous sessions. Open-ended questions and postproject structured interviews were analyzed through NVivo. By analyzing participants’ reflections on the potential of cross-cultural exchanges for educational purposes and professional development, this study offers implications for the innovation and internationalization of curricula (Rubin & Guth, 2015) through virtual exchange and provides an example of how to integrate virtual exchanges into language teacher preparation programs (Dooly & Sadler, 2013). Furthermore, the results show that the development of participants’ ability to reflect on their teaching practice was facilitated through the use of video-recorded interactions with other teacher candidates.



语言教师必须具备应对 21 世纪课堂需求的技术技能(Guichon & Hauck,2011)。通过技术连接文化和语言不同的人群,虚拟交流可以用作开发这些能力的创新工具。本文报道的研究探讨了教师候选人如何通过虚拟交流培养他们反思教学实践的能力。来自美国和波兰大学的 16 名参与者每周通过 Zoom 视频会议在跨文化团队中会面,讨论文化主题,随后通过观看他们录制的同步会议来反思他们的协作、互动体验。开放式问题和项目后结构化访谈通过 NVivo 进行分析。通过分析参与者对跨文化交流对教育目的和专业发展潜力的思考,本研究通过虚拟交流对课程的创新和国际化提供了启示(Rubin & Guth,2015),并提供了一个如何整合虚拟交换到语言教师准备计划(Dooly & Sadler,2013 年)。此外,结果表明,通过使用与其他教师候选人的视频录制互动,促进了参与者反思其教学实践的能力的发展。2015)通过虚拟交流,并提供了一个如何将虚拟交流整合到语言教师准备计划中的例子(Dooly & Sadler,2013)。此外,结果表明,通过使用与其他教师候选人的视频录制互动,促进了参与者反思其教学实践的能力的发展。2015)通过虚拟交流,并提供了一个如何将虚拟交流整合到语言教师准备计划中的例子(Dooly & Sadler,2013)。此外,结果表明,通过使用与其他教师候选人的视频录制互动,促进了参与者反思其教学实践的能力的发展。