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Conceptions of national identity, turnout and party preference: Evidence from Germany
Nations and Nationalism ( IF 2.058 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-27 , DOI: 10.1111/nana.12652
Matthias Mader 1 , Maria Pesthy 1 , Harald Schoen 1

As globalisation makes national boundaries both permeable and contested, conflicts over national identity and related policy issues are bound to increase the salience of citizens' individual national identitiesand, consequently, increase their impact on political attitudes and behaviour. We study the link between ethnocultural and civic dimensions of national identity and turnout and party preferences. After providing a theoretical discussion that integrates conceptions of national identity into established models of turnout and party preference formation, we explore the merit of accounting for these conceptions of national identity in a case study of Germany. Analysing data from two surveys conducted in the period between 2015 and 2017, we show that acceptance of civic criteria of national identity was positively associated with turnout and partisan support for all German parties besides the AfD. Acceptance of ethnocultural criteria was associated with increased support for (centre-) right and decreased support for (centre-) left parties. Some of these patterns differ significantly and in predictable ways between the two data points bracketing the height of the European refugee crisis. These findings suggest that individual conceptions of national identity may be of importance for our understanding turnout decisions and party preferences, but the specific relationships presumably depend on contextual conditions.



由于全球化使国界既具有渗透性又具有争议性,关于民族认同和相关政策问题的冲突必然会增加公民个人民族认同的显着性,从而增加其对政治态度和行为的影响。我们研究民族认同的民族文化和公民维度与投票率和政党偏好之间的联系。在提供将民族认同概念整合到已建立的投票率和政党偏好形成模型中的理论讨论之后,我们以德国的案例研究探讨了解释这些民族认同概念的优点。分析 2015 年至 2017 年期间进行的两项调查的数据,我们表明,接受国民身份的公民标准与除 AfD 之外的所有德国政党的投票率和党派支持呈正相关。对民族文化标准的接受与对(中间-)右翼政党的支持增加和对(中间-)左翼政党的支持减少有关。其中一些模式在包含欧洲难民危机高度的两个数据点之间以可预测的方式显着不同。这些发现表明,国家认同的个人概念可能对我们理解投票率决定和政党偏好很重要,但具体的关系可能取决于上下文条件。对民族文化标准的接受与对(中间-)右翼政党的支持增加和对(中间-)左翼政党的支持减少有关。其中一些模式在包含欧洲难民危机高度的两个数据点之间以可预测的方式显着不同。这些发现表明,国家认同的个人概念可能对我们理解投票率决定和政党偏好很重要,但具体的关系可能取决于上下文条件。对民族文化标准的接受与对(中间-)右翼政党的支持增加和对(中间-)左翼政党的支持减少有关。其中一些模式在包含欧洲难民危机高度的两个数据点之间以可预测的方式显着不同。这些发现表明,国家认同的个人概念可能对我们理解投票率决定和政党偏好很重要,但具体的关系可能取决于上下文条件。