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The African Palaver Reconciliation Model and Mission
International Review of Mission Pub Date : 2020-11-27 , DOI: 10.1111/irom.12330
Francis Anekwe Oborji

This article presents the African palaver as a model of reconciliation in the social context and examines its missiological significance. Palaver is the interactive dialogue that animates many African communities’ affairs, seeking holistic interventions on issues of life and maintaining relationships within the hierarchy of existence. The African palaver model of reconciliation is about managing “words” in a reconciliation process that takes place in a public assembly discourse. The African palaver model has implications for (1) an appreciation of the importance of “words” as a source of reconciliation in a social context and (2) an introduction, in an African context, to the catechesis on the “Word of God,” revealed in Jesus Christ, as the language of God to humanity and the entire world. The article is developed in three parts: reconciliation and mission, the African palaver model of reconciliation, and the South African model of palaver. In its conclusion, it relates the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission model of reconciliation to the African palaver, which is rooted in people’s culture and tradition.


