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Principles of Discipleship and Church Growth from Acts 2:46‐47
International Review of Mission Pub Date : 2020-11-27 , DOI: 10.1111/irom.12337
Yiner Josue Huaycani Cotrado

The purpose of this article is to make a comprehensive exegesis of the text of Acts 2:46‐47 and to extract basic biblical principles for the work of discipleship. Along with this topic, this article also analyzes the aspect of the growth of the church, since the study text indicates that the Lord added new converts to the church, although the church itself had an internal task to fulfil. Even though church growth has generally been distanced from doctrinal catechesis in the church in the same way that theology is divorced from ecclesiastical practice, this work attempts to show that a responsible and simple exegesis of the text can integrate the “theory” of doctrine with missionary practice and the responsibility to make disciples, so that the church increases in membership.


