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The antecedents of charity trust and its influence on charity supportive behavior
International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing Pub Date : 2020-07-24 , DOI: 10.1002/nvsm.1690
Walter Wymer 1 , Annika Becker 2 , Silke Boenigk 3

This study develops and tests a model that evaluates eight antecedents of charity trust and its influence on volunteering and donating. Secondary data from a national Australian survey (N = 1,377) was collected and data was analyzed using partial least square path analysis. Key findings include identifying individual and organizational antecedents of charity trust and its influence on charity supportive behavior. Results show that organizational transparency is a very strong antecedent, followed by the individual awareness level of an individual towards the organization. We also examined the effect of gender as a moderating influence but did not find a significant effect. We conclude with managerial implications and areas for future research.



这项研究开发并测试了一个模型,该模型评估了慈善信托的八个先例及其对志愿服务和捐赠的影响。收集了来自澳大利亚全国调查的次要数据(N = 1,377),并使用偏最小二乘路径分析法对数据进行了分析。主要发现包括确定慈善信托的个人和组织先例及其对慈善支持行为的影响。结果表明,组织透明度是非常重要的先决条件,其次是个人对组织的个人意识水平。我们还研究了性别作为缓和影响的影响,但未发现显着影响。我们以管理的涵义和未来研究领域作为总结。