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À La Recherche d'AHMM
Architectural Design Pub Date : 2021-03-01 , DOI: 10.1002/ad.2673
Jay Merrick

Some practices have outlier offices very much subservient to the head office, but AHMM have created a successful Oklahoma office in the US, which they often use as a testbed for their more radical ideas. This is due to the city being less bound up in red tape than the UK, and consequently it is easier to build. Architectural critic Jay Merrick charts the office's evolution.


ÀLa Recherche d'AHMM

有些做法使离群办公室要比总办公室服从得多,但是AHMM在美国俄克拉荷马州建立了成功的办公室,他们经常将其用作更激进的想法的试验台。这是因为与英国相比,这座城市在繁文tape节上的束缚较少,因此建造起来更容易。建筑评论家杰伊·梅里克Jay Merrick)绘制了办公室的发展图。