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New evidence for diplomacy between the Mediterranean and South Arabia
Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy Pub Date : 2020-10-30 , DOI: 10.1111/aae.12165
Mikhail Bukharin 1

Two inscriptions that shed more light on the history of contacts between Hellenistic Egypt, the Roman Empire and the South Arabian kingdoms between the second century BCE and the mid‐second century CE are in the focus of this research. One inscription mentions foreign gifts for King Ptolemy VIII Euergetes II Tryphon; the other ‒ a Greek inscription from Ẓafār ‒ seems to be the gift for either the king of Ḥimyar or the Roman colony in Ẓafār. The first inscription points to the existence of direct diplomatic contacts between these regions in the second century BCE. The second inscription is linked with the Latin text from the Farasān archipelago by viewing the reference in the first line to legio II Traiana.



本研究的重点是两个题字,它们使人们更加了解了希腊化埃及,罗马帝国和公元前二世纪至公元二世纪中叶之间的南阿拉伯王国之间的交往历史。其中一个题词提到为托勒密八世·尤金特斯二世·Tryphon献上的外国礼物;另一个fromafārGreek的希腊铭文似乎是Ḥimyar国王或Ẓafār的罗马殖民地的礼物。第一个题词指出在公元前2世纪这些地区之间存在直接的外交接触。通过在第一行中对Legio II Traiana的参考,第二个铭文与法拉桑群岛的拉丁文字链接在一起。