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The ebb and flow of learning motivation: The differentiated impact of the implicit theory of intelligence on learning behaviors
Human Resource Development Quarterly ( IF 3.891 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-10 , DOI: 10.1002/hrdq.21425
Michele Rigolizzo 1 , Zhu Zhu 1

Motivating employees to initiate, and continue to engage in, both formal and informal learning is a key challenge within human resources development (HRD). Research on the implicit theory of intelligence lends insight into this challenge by showing almost exclusively positive effects of having an incremental theory, wherein individuals associate ability with effort, on the motivation to learn. However, we propose that the motivation to learn may ebb and flow throughout the process of learning, and that the impact of the implicit theory of intelligence may be different for different learning behaviors. This study experimentally examines the differentiated effect of the implicit theory intelligence on five key learning behaviors that are required to develop new skills. They are taking on a challenge, paying attention to new information, elaborating on that information, practice with feedback, and reflection. Using data from an experimental study of 511 managers in the United States and direct measures of each of the five learning behaviors, this study provides evidence that priming participants to associate effort with ability increases the likelihood that they will set challenging goals and practice with feedback, but makes them less likely to reflect. These findings provide insight for how HRD professionals can more purposefully construct learning interventions to account for multiple behaviors and changes in motivation.



激励员工开始并继续参与正式和非正式学习是人力资源开发 (HRD) 中的一项关键挑战。对智力的内隐理论的研究通过展示渐进理论对学习动机的几乎完全积极的影响来洞察这一挑战,其中个人将能力与努力联系起来。然而,我们提出学习动机可能会在整个学习过程中起伏不定,内隐智力理论对不同学习行为的影响可能不同。本研究通过实验检验了内隐理论智力对培养新技能所需的五种关键学习行为的差异化影响。他们正在接受挑战,关注新信息,详细说明该信息,通过反馈进行练习和反思。使用来自美国 511 名经理的实验研究数据和对五种学习行为中每一种的直接测量,本研究提供的证据表明,启动参与者将努力与能力联系起来会增加他们设定具有挑战性的目标并通过反馈进行实践的可能性,但使他们不太可能反思。这些发现为 HRD 专业人员如何更有针对性地构建学习干预措施以解释多种行为和动机变化提供了见解。这项研究提供的证据表明,让参与者将努力与能力联系起来会增加他们设定具有挑战性的目标并根据反馈进行练习的可能性,但会降低他们反思的可能性。这些发现为 HRD 专业人员如何更有针对性地构建学习干预措施以解释多种行为和动机变化提供了见解。这项研究提供的证据表明,让参与者将努力与能力联系起来会增加他们设定具有挑战性的目标并根据反馈进行练习的可能性,但会降低他们反思的可能性。这些发现为 HRD 专业人员如何更有针对性地构建学习干预措施以解释多种行为和动机变化提供了见解。